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~~Bob's Pov~~

He watches as your squad surrounds you, listening to your laughter. You're comfortable around these people, so it's important he gets to know them. Even if he wants to just take you home and keep you forever he needs to be careful first. He doesn't know why, but the moment he laid eyes on you he knew he wanted you. He craves you like an addict craves their drug, never able to get enough of the high. He craves you like you crave colder water on a hot summer day, once the liquid hits your throat it's like heaven, making you feel sweltering days aren't too bad. He wants all of you and he's determined to get it.

He hangs back a bit as he just lets you get lost in your happy moment for a little while. He glances around in slight paranoia, making sure no one was going to somehow recognize him. No one knows what he looks like beneath the costume but people could assume or match body types! He has to be careful not getting caught as he dates you. It would look weird if he only ever did home dates with you.

"So, what made you like her?" The ones called Williams asks, pulling Bob from his thoughts.

"Her eyes," Bob says honestly. "There's just this look she has. Something I've never seen before."

"She does doesn't she? How does she do at work?" He asks.

"Told you I was her boss?" Bob asks with a chuckle. "She's great. I'm not a fan of all this new technology and paperwork. She has my burger joint running better than it ever has in its existence. Lot of people missed out not hiring her."

"We're putting some money together to get her a prosthetic," Williams admits. "Do you think it's a good idea?"

"Yes I do. She acts tough but one leg is hard on her. She hates her crutches," Bob tells Williams. "I keep an eye on her at work. Allow plenty of breaks but she hates sittin'down. Has she always been like that?"

"For as long as I've known her," Williams tells him. "She can't sit. It drives her crazy."

"Noted," Bob hums softly.

He watches Williams catch back up with everyone, each of your squad members basically interrogating him the whole time. They keep you plenty distracted as they keep him from calling out to you. He tries not to get irritated because he needs these people to like him but come on! He asked you out on the date first! He's finally able to be beside you when all of you stop to eat. You snatch the spot on the bench before anyone else can, Bob relaxing when you grab his hand. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, glad to finally be with you.

"Still wanna do this?" You ask him when everyone is off getting their food.

"Ya kidding? I'm havin' the most fun I've had in ages and don't worry. No horror stories so far," Bob teases with a grin, enjoying your blush under the lights of the fair. "If ya don't like me you can just say so."

"N-No! It's not that!" You protest with wide eyes.

"I'm teasing," He tells you, gently grasping your chin in his hand. "I know you're scared but I swear to you. I'm in this for as long as you'll let me."

"You won't get sick of me?" You whisper as your eyes stare into his blue ones.

"Never," Bob swears, sealing his promise with a kiss to your lips.

He smiles as he feels the butterflies light up in his stomach as he kisses you. Yes. He wants to feel this more. He wants to feel every new emotion and moment with you. He's wanted to for so long and he's finally able to do it! He's making his dreams come true.

"Ahem," They both hear, immediately breaking apart much to Bob's dismay.

"Some privacy would have been nice. Help a brother out," Bob retorts to Williams who's cheeks go red.

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