sometimes I feel like giving up (but I just can't)

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"I'm actually looking forward to this," Ojiro remarked with a broad smile, clutching the pamphlet Present Mic had distributed to the class, listing all the necessary items.

Iida, thoroughly engrossed in the pamphlet, chimed in, "It appears we'll be at the training camp for an entire week." Midoriya, curious, peered over Iida's shoulder, his gaze narrowing as he scrutinized the list.

"I might have to get a bigger suitcase," Midoriya mumbled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Kaminari nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely. I don't even own a bathing suit. Looks like I need to go shopping," the blond-haired teen said, scratching his head with a frown.

"Hey, guys!" Uraraka chimed in, capturing everyone's attention. [Name] paused in their packing, looking up with interest. "Since we're off tomorrow and we've finally finished our exams, I've got a great idea. What if all of Class 1-A goes on a shopping trip?" She suggested with an infectious, beaming smile. [Name] thought she looked cute, but then again, she always did.

[Name] was momentarily distracted as their phone buzzed.

Eri's Papa:

Are you still up for taking Eri out?

She has been talking about it all week.


Of course!!!!

I am so excited to see my little sister!

Eri's Papa:

Great! I will make sure she has everything.

At 10 am, right?


Yup! Can't wait to see her. Tell her I love her, please!!! <3

Eri's Papa:

Sure! She really adores her big sibling! Can't wait to see you tomorrow, little listener!

They couldn't help but let out a small giggle when they saw that Present Mic had sent a picture. It was a photo of Eri, beaming with pride, holding up her drawing of vibrant flowers. Her smile was infectious, and it warmed [Name]'s heart to see her so happy and confident in her artwork.

[Name] had been diligently keeping in touch with Eri. They made it a point to visit her at least once a week and have a nightly call with her before she went to sleep. In the beginning, they worried that Aizawa and Yamada sensei might get tired of their frequent visits, but the two adults reassured them that they always had a place in their household. It made [Name] feel incredibly wanted and loved, filling a void in their life they hadn't realized existed. They had come to see Aizawa and Yamada as parental figures, though they'd never admit it to anyone.

As for Eri, she had been making slow but steady progress. She was attending therapy sessions with a child therapist, and it was helping her overcome her traumatic past. She no longer flinched when someone raised a hand or always asked questions about everything. Eri had developed a love for apples, unicorns, and anything that sparkled with glitter. Aizawa would often find traces of glitter around the house from Eri's art projects, but he did so with a gentle smile, appreciating the newfound happiness that had entered their lives.

Eri's foster parents were still hesitant about letting her attend school due to the lingering threat of the person who had held her captive. However, [Name] had noticed a gradual change in their attitude. There seemed to be a growing openness to the idea of Eri enrolling at U.A., particularly in the daycare program established by Principal Nezu for teen parents.

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