young, dumb, stupid (but who cares? but who cares?)

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On the first day of the internship, a lot unfolded. One significant event was [Name] gaining a sibling: Eri. It was a tough night, especially when Eri woke up screaming from a nightmare. Mirko ensured her safety and even filed a police report. She promised to watch out for the man who caused Eri's distress.

After much persuasion, Mirko convinced authorities to let Eri stay under her and [Name]'s care. Child Protection Services were involved to ensure Eri's safety and to find her suitable foster parents. Mirko and [Name] made it clear that they wouldn't hesitate to take action if Eri faced any harm under someone else's care. Therefore, CPS promised to find suitable foster parents for the little girl.

[Name] asked Eri if she knew his name, but she would only shake her head. This man has a tight grip on her.

It is the second day of the internship program, and Mirko has informed [Name] they are going to Hosu in order to make sure the Hero Killer: Stain isn't there after what happened to Iida Tensei. However, Eri wasn't happy to know her hero is leaving her with some of Mirko's sidekicks.

"Are you sure I can't go with you?" Eri mumbles into [Name]'s costume, her hands tightening into fists.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" [Name] promises as they give Eri a gentle smile. They hated seeing the little girl so upset, but it was for her own safety that they couldn't bring her along. "Mirko's friends are the best, they'll take good care of you while I'm gone." [Name] gently cups Eri's face, wiping away the tears that had started to fall. "Don't worry, Eri-chan. I'll make sure to stop the bad guy and come back to you as soon as I can." They give her a comforting hug, hoping to ease her worries.

"Don't worry, kid. My sidekicks will make sure nothing happens to you." Mirko said with a grin as she points to her sidekicks who were waiting by the door for Eri.

"Make sure you come back, okay?!"

[Name] can only smile at Eri. "I will do my best kid. Here." They pull out a bracelet from their pocket and they reach out with their other hand to gently take hold of Eri's wrist. They then slip the bracelet over her hand and adjust it on her wrist. they made sure to secure the clasp. Eri lets out a small gasp. The intern smiles and nods in satisfaction.

"Press here if you find yourself in danger." [Name] light taps the center of the bracelet it was shaped into a heart made of faux silver. "I will get the signal from the monitor I have."

Eri looked at her bracelet with a delighted smile, marveling at its intricate design and the sparkling gems encircling the heart-shaped centerpiece that shimmered in the light. It was hard for her to believe that this was her very first gift from someone. The fact that someone had taken the time and effort to choose such a special and meaningful present filled her with an overwhelming sense of happiness and gratitude.

"I will!"

"Good. Please stay safe, little sister." They smiled as they patted her head with Eri beaming in return.


Instead of finding Stain, a Nomu found Mirko and [Name].

With a loud roar, a huge monster crashed into the side of a crowded subway car, creating a large hole. Passengers screamed as debris flew around, with the sound of glass breaking and metal twisting echoing throughout the air.

"We've got to act fast!" Mirko exclaimed, her eyes filled with determination. With a mighty roar, she lunged forward, landing a powerful kick on the Nomu with a loud thud. The monstrous creature staggered back, momentarily stunned by Mirko's attack. Taking advantage of the opening, Mirko delivered a roundhouse kick directly at the Nomu, sending it flying out of the hole it had created and crashing onto the roof of a nearby building. Passengers aboard the train erupted into cheers and applause, thanking the Number 5 hero for her bravery.

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