between the lines of fear and blame (you begin to wonder why you came)

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As [Name] stood in the middle of the tense situation, they felt their heart beating faster as they felt a bit uncomfortable. The tension between Midoriya and Bakugo was getting more intense by the moment. The air felt heavy, like it was filled with all the feelings neither of them had said out loud.

[Name] couldn't help but feel nervous, like they could almost taste the tension in the air. This is bad timing as the group is about to take the practical exam. They really did not want to fail this but with the way their teammates are acting. They have a feeling it is about to get two times harder than it need to be.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, [Name] felt their body tighten as the gate slammed shut behind the trio with a loud bang.

Their hand twitched as they tried to stop themselves bringing a card out until it was announced that the exam has started. It was a reflex, a way to reassure themselves in the middle of the growing tension between their friends. They understood that their skills as a fighter might be useful against All Might, but right now, their priority was staying calm amid the building conflict between Midoriya and Bakugo. They need all three of them to make this work.

Standing close to Midoriya, [Name] felt the tension crackling between him and Bakugo. It was like an invisible wall dividing them, fueled by the duo's silent competition. Bakugo's glare felt so strong it could almost be felt physically, like heat waves radiating from him.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of the practical exam, the room filled with a mix of emotions. [Name] felt a surge of excitement, tinged with a bit of nervousness. Midoriya seemed eager too, but Bakugo's anger hung in the air like a dark cloud. Taking a deep breath, [Name] prepared themselves for the exam ahead, feeling their heart racing with anticipation.

"Team Midoriya, [Last Name], and Bakugo, practical exam. Ready go!"

"Show your true form before me! I, [Name], command you under our contract. Release, Zatanna!" The card they held up began to emit a soft, radiant blue glow, casting an ethereal illumination across the surroundings.

As they finished transforming with their magic, a gentle exhale signaled a mix of relief and determination. Now fully changed, [Name] faced their classmates, embodying their confidence and encouragement. They projected confidence, like a hero ready for battle.

"Let's do our best!" [Name] attempted to break the silence, their words infused with a touch of optimism, but they soon realized that the enthusiasm was not shared by their two companions. The response was a wall of silence, a chasm of unspoken tension that separated them. The atmosphere grew heavy, and thick with unresolved emotions that hung in the air like a storm cloud. Bakugo walked away from his partners for the exam, glaring ahead.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya's voice quivered with a blend of concern and urgency as he rushed forward, his expression etched with a wry determination. His steps were quick, propelled by a need to address the situation that was unfolding between them. "Listen, for this exam, the teacher is essentially playing the role of a villain, and we're cast as the heroes. We have to carefully assess the villain's combat abilities and then decide whether it's wiser to confront them or make a strategic retreat especially since it is All Might."

[Name] quickly joined Midoriya's side, their pace matching his as they moved with purpose.

"I completely agree," [Name] said, their tone full of certainty. They understood what Midoriya was getting at and saw the smartness in it. They were all about teaming up, using what they're good at, and being careful. It was clear to them that just the three of them couldn't take down All Might. But maybe, just maybe, their plan could work if they played their cards right to make their way to the gate to get a good grade on this exam.

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