Chapter 121

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Qiuyi Pavilion was very busy a while ago.

First, a group of merchants came to Luojun City to buy jade cream, and then merchants from other places also came. The new shop next door was decorated and needed to arrange manpower there, so Lin Qiu took the initiative and bought a few people from the dental shop. Come back to help make rouge...

These things were all crowded together. Even though Ruan Yimian had made preparations in advance, the people in Qiuyi Pavilion were still too busy to keep their feet off the ground, and they had become more leisurely in the past few days.

This time Tu Xiu gave birth to a baby, Ruan Yimian went back to have a drink, and Lin Qiu stayed to take care of the shop.

The two young brothers agreed. After the wedding wine, Ruan Yimian rested for a few days in Shanliu Village, and then exchanged Lin Qiu for him to rest for a few days to spend time with his parents.

Having a new baby in the family is a great joy, and Ruan Yihan and Brother Cheng also have to go home to help entertain the guests.

Tu Xiu has a cheerful and generous temperament. She has been married for two years and has not only kept Uncle Ruan's house in order, but also raised Sister Lian as her own daughter, taking good care of her properly and meticulously.

With her around, both Yu Peilan and Ruan Deming felt much more relaxed, and siblings Ruan Yiquan and Ruan Yihan felt much more at ease when working outside.

Uncle Ruan's family all loves and respects her, and now Yu Peilan has handed over all the housekeeping rights to her.

Tu Xiu gave birth to a daughter. Except for Uncle Ruan's second uncle, the rest of the family were very happy. Ruan Yiquan was especially lucky to be a father.

"Fortunately, when brother Mian suggested that he and the girl go to the village school together, I was on his side. Otherwise, I would have tricked my daughter!"

It's not that Uncle Ruan doesn't like his granddaughter, he just wants a grandson more. However, his status in the family is not high, and he does not dare to say unnecessary words to make Yu Peilan and the others unhappy.

There are also many people in the village who favor sons over daughters and elder brothers. They are afraid that people in the village will gossip and make Tu Xiu worry too much. The Ruan family brothers and sisters have discussed it and decided to hold a grand full moon banquet this time!

Ruan Yiquan deliberately put down his business career to take care of his wife and daughter at home. He also brought Tu Xiu and her parents to his home in advance.

Ruan Yihan was always unwilling to delay Qiu Yi Pavilion's work for personal matters, but this time he specifically took leave from Lin Qiu and went back to help organize the banquet.

In addition, the full-moon gifts she and Brother Cheng, Ruan Yimian, and Lin Qiu prepared for their niece were extremely generous, even grander than the full-moon gifts for ordinary boys.

Even Wu Junhao specially prepared a gift and took time out to follow Brother Cheng back to drink full moon wine.

The marriage between Wu Junhao and Brother Cheng is scheduled for September 16th this year. Although they are not married yet, it is a happy event like the addition of a grandson to the second uncle Ruan's family. For him to move around is also to make face for his future in-law's family.

During the full moon banquet, relatives and friends from the village came over to have a drink, and Ruan Yiquan took out his daughter to show everyone a look as if she was showing off.

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