Mainly, her dress was more expensive; the children's clothes were the cheapest.

The clothes stall owner packed them in paper bags, and Chu Xia remembered that she and Cen Huai'an also needed to buy the clothes inside.

The people setting up stalls outside were still not that bold, so she went back to the department store to buy some.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chu Xia turned to the vegetable market and bought three yams, a small local chicken sold by an old farmer in the countryside, and a kilo of flour, millet, and rice.

With all these items, she couldn't carry much more, so she decided to come back for fresh vegetables the next morning.

Cen Huai'an had become numb watching Chu Xia as she shopped all day. On their way back, he couldn't take his eyes off the chicken.

Carrying these things made Chu Xia very tired, so after getting off the bus, she and Cen Huai'an stopped and walked, and it took twice as long as it took to get home.

The first thing Chu Xia did when she came back was to sit on a chair and rest. She was so tired, and her body was so fragile. She even felt her head hurt a bit too.

"So hot, so thirsty. An'an, help me get a glass of water?"

Chu Xia fanned herself and looked at Cen Huai'an.

But as soon as the words fell, Chu Xia regretted it; she realized that Cen Huai'an wasn't the type to help her. She cursed herself for misjudging him.

So she immediately adds, "Forget it; I'll do it myself later."

Who would've known that Cen Huai'an would stand up and run to the kitchen, take out the kettle from under the table with a bit of force, pour a bowl of water, and place it carefully in front of Chu Xia.


His face still bore that cold and defiant expression, and his tone was bad.

Without waiting for Chu Xia to respond, he hurriedly ran into the inner room with a 'thump, thump, thump' and didn't come out again.

But Chu Xia saw the tips of his ears blush a little, laughed out, took a sip of water, turned her head, and loudly said in the direction of the inner room, "Thank you, An'an! The water is so sweet!"

Cen Huai'an covered his head with a pillow and found his mother's laughter outside the room to be quite annoying.

He didn't forgive his mother; he just... He just did it for the sake of the milk candy.

She was so weak; he was afraid that she might not have any water to drink until the evening if he didn't give it to her.

He didn't even realize that his gloominess had faded a bit, and the thorns on his body like a hedgehog he used to have had softened somewhat.

Chu Xia was indeed thirsty and felt much better after drinking a bowl of water.

This house is small, only about 20 square meters, divided into two rooms: one outside is the living room, with all sorts of things laid out, and the other inside is where she and Cen Huai'an sleep.

Her headache persisted, so Chu Xia couldn't hold back any longer and went inside the room. She saw Cen Huai'an lying on the bed, raised her hand, and patted his back, which made him jump up in fright, and the thorns on his body stood up immediately.

Seeing that it was Chu Xia, he didn't relax his guard but his body wasn't as tense.

At this time, Chu Xia didn't have the energy to comfort him, so she said to him "I'll take a nap" She pulled off the quilt and lay on the bed.

When she woke up, as soon as Chu Xia opened her eyes, she was confronted with a pair of extraordinarily large eyes like a wolf cub's, which scared her to the point that her heart skipped a beat.

Holding her chest, she remembered that she was already inside a book.

She rubbed her head and slowly sat up, noticing that it was already dark in the house; the curtains in the inner room were drawn and no lights were turned on; otherwise, she wouldn't have been scared by Cen Huai'an's big eyes.

"You haven't gone out to play?"

Cen Huai'an said nothing, stood up, and walked out.

He wasn't going to say that he'd been sitting in the room all afternoon, occasionally putting his hand under his mother's nose every now and then to check.

Chu Xia didn't know it, but her face was ghastly white when she slept, and even her lips had no color, which was particularly scary.

But even if Cen Huai'an didn't speak, Chu Xia had a smile on her face, knowing that he must have been guarding her all afternoon.

Originally, Chu Xia had planned to make chicken soup with yam and poria cocos with the chicken she bought. But now there wasn't enough time, so she decided to make something simpler.

Chu Xia and Cen Huai'an both had weak stomachs due to frequent hunger, so she decided to cook yam, poria cocos, and millet congee. She also made scallion pancakes.

While making the pancakes, she realized that she had forgotten to buy eggs, so she went to buy a couple from her neighbor, Sister Li.

To her surprise, Sister Li was very hospitable and insisted on giving her two eggs for free. After making the pancakes, Chu Xia decided to return the favor by giving her two.

"Chu Xia, you're too polite. These pancakes are delicious! I could smell them from my place earlier, so now we're in for a treat," Sister Li said.

Transmigrated to a Period Novel as the Genius Antagonist's Birth MotherWhere stories live. Discover now