Brandish replies, "Whatever we choose to do, I doubt Ishgar will be stupid enough to mess with Alvarez."

"That may be the case. If we say we couldn't even find them, we'll get a big F-, and who wants that?"

"Honestly, I don't really care," She says, beginning to walk away again.

"Not so fast!" Natsu snaps, stopping her again.

"Don't be stupid!" Lucy hisses but Natsu ignores her.

"You took out one of our friends! You really think we're just gonna let you walk away after that?!" Natsu demands.

I say warningly, staring at Natsu with wide, pink eyes, "No, stand down!"

Brandish looks at the pinkette, glaring daggers at her. Without saying anything, she holds out her left hand. Marin utters in confusion, "Huh?!" Then he suddenly shrinks to about three metres inches high, and Brandish grabs him. We all gasp in shock at what the woman had done.

Turning back around, the green eyed woman states, "I'm down one, too. Now we're even. Does that make things better? I hate dealing with this. There's so much else I'd rather be doing."

Natsu seethes, glaring at her back, "He was your guy! How could you?!"

"Why would I waste anymore of my time? It's way easier for all of us if I tell everyone back home I got rid of the spy, and her little friends," Says Brandish, the rest of us gaping at her, stunned. "So just stay away from Alacatasia, okay?" We were confused as to how she knew we were there. "Makarov's alive, by the way. But, if you guys don't behave yourselves, that could easily change."

Brandish glances at us as she adds, "So this is your warning; you'd better run along home, or else..."

The ground behind shaking, before it suddenly vanishes and we start falling toward the water.

"What is she doing?!" Alec exclaims.

"What the—?!" I exclaim. We then hit the water, while Brandish stands before us.

"Whoa! The island got bigger earlier!"

"And now it's completely gone!"

"Alvarez has 11 other wizards, just as powerful as I am," The greenette states. "So don't be stupid, and start a fight you can't win. Got that, Fairy Tail?"

We were all stunned by this revelation.

Natsu mutters, "We'll save Gramps!"

Afterwards, we got the fishermen that were around to help get the civilians get on board. Erza calls, "Make sure everybody is accounted for!"

I stand next to Gray and Alec at the railing, my arms leaning on it, as I say, "It looks like they'll actually be able to get everybody on the boats."

Gray adds, "Yeah. If those fisherman weren't around, this could've been a lot worse."

Natsu sits slumped against the side of the boat, wracked with motion sickness. Everyone was confused about what just happened to the island.

"Poor Mest!" Wendy mutters, the man lying on the deck nearby. He's currently being treated by a doctor. "I hope he's gonna be okay!"

Part 2: Shadows of Magic (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now