Chapter 13

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Hope's P. O. V:

I arrive at Midori Village I was sent to for my newest S-class job to capture a couple of dark mages that have been causing trouble recently. There was no descriptions or photos so I have no idea who I'm looking for.

"This is the place," I murmur to myself as I walk and look around at the bustling people. "But where are they?"

I pause by a dumpling shop, unaware of being watched from within. I furrow my brows and activate my Ether Form, searching for evil presences.

I gasp sharply and whip my head to my right, to the dumpling shop, but there was nobody there. I frown to myself. I was sure I felt two very powerful magic signatures coming from within that shop.

I walk inside, ignoring the customers and workers staring at me. I go over to the table the energy signatures were coming from but all I find are half eaten coloured dumpling sticks and half empty cups of green tea.

I sit cross legged as I use my Telekinesis Magic to hover off the ground, and focus on tracking the magic signatures that were in here, causing the dumpling stick to hover in the air before spinning rapidly.

After a few moments, the dumpling stick stops and drops to the plate.

I smirk as I drop to my feet and say triumphantly, "I found you."


I was standing on a large, wide bridge with people walking along it, waiting for my targets to show up. None of these people were my targets, as I'd felt their signatures before deactivating my magic.

I raise my head when I see two tall men approaching me. One has his black hair in a low ponytail and crimson red orbs, while the other has spiky blue hair and matching skin and gills on his neck, kinda like a shark's, and beast black eyes.

"Hi," I greet flippantly, causing the two to stop. They gaze at me silently for a moment before the blue skinned man grins, showing off sharp teeth.

"Oh, lookie here, Daniel. Our little Miss Made of Magic has arrived!"

"What do you mean?" I question with narrowed purple eyes.

"We are to take you back with us to The Akatsuki, Hope Foster," The raven haired man tells me monotonously. I tense at that.

"Y-You're from Th-The Akatsuki?!" I stammer, my purple eyes wide.

"You got that right, Miss Made of Magic," Says the blue skinned man. "I'm Kisame Mizuhara, and this is my partner, Daniel Hayashi."

"We'll be taking you with us, Hope Foster," Says Daniel, pointing his two right fingers at me.

I growl as I activate my Ether Form and summon two orbs of ether around my hands, "So it was a trap set by Persephone?!"

Kisame chuckles. "Right again! I can't wait to tear you up!"

Daniel tells him calmly, "Kisame, we need her alive, remember? Don't damage her too much."

"Aw, that's no fun! Water Magic: Water Bomb!" Water forms in Kisame's left hand and he throws it right at me.

My eyes widen and I swiftly form a pink Ether Shield to block the bomb, as it explodes strongly upon impact, causing the civilians to scream and panic.

I call to them, "Everyone, clear the bridge!" They start running for the opposite side.

"Water Magic: Water Clone!" Kisame shouts before an exact copy of him appears. They then charge at me and start engaging me in hand to hand combat, while Daniel remains where he is. I deflect Kisame's punches and kicks with ease. "Heh! You're pretty good! No wonder our leader wants you."

Part 2: Shadows of Magic (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now