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it has been one week,taehyung went for business trip.. Jungkook wasnt feeling good not to see taehyung for one week..even when he called him,  taehyung either cut the call nor dont received..

If he somehow pick up the call,he didnt give jungkook chance to speak..


thats what he Everytime said.. Jungkook just called him to know how is he..when he will be back..he just got peace to know that atleast he is alright. Bcz he knows taehyung dont like outside food and staying alone in another country apart from his home..

mrs kim also left for her home and he is here alone with taewon..taewon also everyday mumbled dada..when he will be back..to keep taewon heart, jungkook always smiles to his son and said dada will be back soon..bt when.. He has no idea..

Today jungkook cant take his inner strom and thought to visit jimin.. He took taewon and went to jimin cafe..

'Mrs kim..are u sure is that u?i cant believe..billionaire kim wife again come to our cafe..come come' jimin hurriedly make a space for jungkook and find a better place for him to sit.. Taewon got angry on his mom bcz he doesn’t like jimin..he always teased him..

'why are u looked so angry,young man?' jimin said with a teasing smile on his lips and raffle taewon hair.. Taewon pout grew and glared his mom.

'mommy..tell him,dont touch my hair.' taewon said with angry tone..

'Taewon..respect elders' jungkook said with bit annoying tone bcz coming here, taewon whined alot which actually pissed jungkook..

to hear rude tone, taewon doe eyes filled with tears and let out sobb on his chest..

'Kook..he is a baby..i didnt mind his behaviour..' jimin patted taewon back who is sitting on jungkook lap,crying silently..

'no hyung..he needs to learn manner..' jimin noticed today jungkook mood is extra sour..to lit up jungkook mood, jimin said:

'you didnt get him thats why so much anger..i see..'

A smug smile on jimin face and it didn’t take jungkook time to understand what jimin actually means to him.. If he said at past, jungkook might blush..bt bearing everything alone, jungkook felt so irritated..

'You have so much wish to get my husband..go and get him..' jungkook angrily blurt out even jimin got surprised..he just try to lit up jungkook mood..

'Omo noo..kook..your husband is yours. No need to get insecure..i wont try to hit him..' jimin gave jungkook a reassuring smile which jungkook is feeling so regret to snap on jimin.. He isnt such type of person who will let his anger on someone..bt he is so disturbed for his husband..

Jungkook put taewon on ground and said:

'Baby..you play there..i need to talk with your uncle..dont run here and there.. Okiee?if u become a good boy, i will take u park' jungkook kissed his son cheek and taewon nods his head between tears.. Jungkook wiped his tears and taewon ran to playing area.. Jimin signal his one of worker to take care taewon..

jimin smiles to jungkook and asked:

'Soo..how are u?'

jungkook tears were glittering in his eyes and looking like he wanna let out something badly..

jimin put his palm on jungkook Knuckles and said softly..

'Kook..whats matter?'

jungkook shooks his head and said:

He changed- taekook(part 1)√Where stories live. Discover now