"Then I sincerely apologize if my behavior had caused you to feel uncomfortable."

He sighed once again,

"It's alright, let's get going now."


Kana's eyes fell upon the women before her as she entered the messy office filled with random contracts yet to be signed littered practically every inch of the room.

She expertly avoided stepping on them as she walked in, while the ninja next to her couldn't bother to do so as he nonchalantly walked on the papers causing the silence to be filled with the sound of crumbling papers.

As she stood in the middle on the room, practically balancing on her toes as she glanced upon the tired women slouching in her seat, she felt something sharp in her chest; Something painful, something that she only ever felt when horrible things happen. It felt like a warning which just didn't sit right with her.

Her small frame stood conflicted under the eyes of the lady, she frowned at the sudden silence in the room- The Hokage was the one to request her, why is she staring down at the Hatake beside her instead of just breaking it down to her?

Seeing as they were going no where, Kana decided to give the head start by bowing and greeting Tsunade, she expectantly looked at the lady once she straightened up; waiting for her to just say something.. anything.

While Tsunade was clearly lost for words, how is she going to do this without seeming like a heartless asshole?

This little girl probably cannot even remember a time where she was a normal civilian, all she knew was the ninja world; how can Tsunade break it to her that the only world she had knowledge upon would be stripped away from her reach from now on?

"Kana." She started, watching the little girl gaze in anticipation.

The Hokage leaned her elbows against her desk as she placed her chin on her interlocked hands, taking a deep breath,

"I've decided upon this for your own good, so I hope you don't feel upset."

The girl only looked more confused,

"I do not understand, could you please elaborate?"

"Uchiha Kana, you are no longer titled as a Shinobi."

It felt as if everything around her had stopped, as if the world stopped moving and the earth itself had stopped rotating, she felt the stricking pain in her chest increase, as if it's own way of telling 'I told you!' as it felt mocking her.

She lowered her head, her hands falling limp by her side as a million different thoughts crossed her head,


Ever since she was given her forehead protector, ever since she stepped out the village for her first ever C rank missions, never once had it occured to her it would be her last time doing so; she simply thought she'd continue to serve for the village till death does it's job.

She was still literally a toddler who keeps getting affected by her childhood amnessia and causing for her to forget most memories of her academy days, now all that's left in her tiny world were ninja's and missions.

Nothing else, she knows nothing else.

Suddenly snapped her head up, she locked eyes with the flinching women as she stuttered; so unlike her usual calm and composed form.

"B-but!- Lady Hokage, Why am I getting punished? have I grown weak?!" Her eyes widened slightly as the back of her eye's stung, both the adults stood in complete shock at her sudden out burst,

"No Kana! That's not what I meant!-"

The Hokage's frown grew as she tried to think of a way to explain to this little girl,

"-I want you to be a child; to be free."

Feeling dumbfounded by her words, Kana paused mid panic.

To be free? She thought she was already free.

But it brought her some releif, knowing that the Hokage doesn't completely find her useless; that she merely gave the girl another mission.

To be free.

Kana through her hands together as she clenched them into fists near her chest, her mouth forming the words in her mind,

"Free...? Is that your order?"

The hokage smiled sadly at the little girl's way of understanding,

"An order huh? Well If it makes you happy-"

"-yes, It's an order. From now on, You must be free."

Kana replied with a bow,

"If that is the Hokage's order, then I must comply."

"I will be free from now on."

A/n ; pls comment if you see spelling mistakes

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