Let's Cliffhang.

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I have come up with this crazy idea that Jonathan is a drug lord. Now, I know what you must be thinking, 'Rae, that is just crazy and you have no evidence to back yourself up.' Well, you would be right, but I gathered a few things about Jonathan since meeting him and annoying him. 

_______________START LIST-----------------

1. He's usually in a mellow mood, but gets agitated very easily. (Drug dealer attitude)

2. He doesn't like me. At all. I have a weird fascination with him that I can't seem to get out of my head. But, he wants nothing to do with me. (I just want to be his friend.) 

3. He has no friends. No one talks to him. I went to sit by him at lunch and he got up and left. 

4. He doesn't have a good relationship with his parents. I asked and he got all tense. 

5. I made him smile once! It was magical. I don't have a crush on the boy, but I didn't believe in beauty until I saw his smile. 

_____________END OF LIST.---------------------

I know nothing about him, so I only have to assume that hes a drug lord, naturally. 

Jonathan and I were sitting in art again. He was drawing a girl. It was just an outline, but I knew once he was done it would be perfection. We had to draw someone that we knew and I could only wonder what that girl meant to Jonathan. 

I, on the other hand, am no good at drawing people. So I sketched my grandmother. It was her sitting on her front porch on her swinging bench. Her gray hair is a mop on top of her head. I drew her head with cracks in it and had pictures and words leaking out. My grandma has Alzheimer's. She forgets us most days. I saw her yesterday evening with my mom, so that's what made me draw her. Made me a bit emotional I guess. 

I started to shade in areas and add more detail. 

"Thats amazing." I turn to Jonathan and see his eyes focused on my drawing. "You should add color, not shading." 

"Thanks, but seeing as we don't have that much time left in class, I probably won't finish." I point to the clock. 

I see him nod, still looking at my drawing and then brings his eyes to mine. "What made you want to draw that?"

I look at him surprised. Why is he being nice and not aggressive? Is he opening up to me? Doubt it. Hes hot and cold. Day and night. "She my grandma." I didn't answer his question, but he understood what the drawing was saying. What I was saying through the picture. "What about you? Who are you drawing?" I turn his attention back to his art, so we don't have to look at mine. That got super serious super fast. 

"Its no one. I didn't draw anyone from my life." He looks at his art with pain in his eyes, but quickly shook his head and cleared his thoughts. He turned his attention to me. "Why are you always bothering me?" he asks bluntly. 

"Do I bother you that much?" I side step the question and take note of the subject switch. 

"Sometimes you do, but I don't know why you try to talk to me." Hes not blushing or looking away or anything weird. But then theres me.

"Well, I don't know-w. You're like an alien from another world that I-I think is cool, in a weird I-don't-want-to-turn-you-into-the-government kind of way." Yes, I said that. AND stuttered! Aliens? Really Rae? We want him to be our friend, not run away. I'm so stupid. I need a sink hole so I can get away.

Showing a hint of an angelic smile, he asks, "Do you want to-" 


THIS IS STUPIDLY SHORT AND I AM MORE THAN SORRY, but its just a filler and I had to update.

I'm a sucky person. Really. What writer leaves their story for twenty something days? Bad ones. AND yes, addition to me not updating, I GAVE YOU A CLIFFHANGER! Who am I?! But summer did just start, and turns out i'm moving all the way across the country in a few weeks to California. Its going to be super crazy and not fun for me. For summer I get to be in Cali, but for summer I fly back to Minnesota to do school. LIKE WHAT?? So, that will be interesting. 

I really don't have anything to say about the chapter, but we're going to start to kick things off. I know I said I would try to do a longer chapter, but I like the shorter ones. I HOPE YOU ALL ARE HAVING AMAZING DAYS ! 

Sorry again for a short chapter.

If you could, comment a way we could turn this story. I need ideas. I WELCOME ANYTHING :)




Love you all who are reading.

C <3

Love Me Like You Do. (H2o Delirious Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora