Let's Eat

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My name is Rae Stone. I go to school in Minnesota. I have good grades. I always- I was currently writing my 'about me' for the beginning of my junior year in high school. Was it going good? No. I have restarted this stupid paper 4 time at least. This paper was the one thing we had to do before school starts tomorrow and being the amazing procrastinator I am, it didn't get done.

Procrastination is a disease that I have been living with all my life. I still get things done, of course, but i'm still held back by this terrible, horrible, messed up sickness.

I glance back at my unfinished paper. It's taunting me now. It knows its going to sit on my desk for another three hours before I touch it again. I groan and stand from my chair, heading down to the kitchen for some lunch.

My mother is a cook. A real cook. She caters parties, weddings, or any group gathering. Shes the best at her job and let me tell you, shes not the only one who benefits from it. I get all of the samples and leftovers I want. From little snacks to 3-course meals to desserts and her desserts are the best. Heaven is jelly of her desserts. 

"Mom!" I yell out, practically dragging my body into the kitchen. I find her slaving over the counters with her apron on that says 'kiss the cook'. She has her uncontrollable, red hair up in a messy bun and a pair of shorts with a plain shirt on. 

"Yes, my little junior?" she gushes at me. I roll my eyes and let a small smile slip on to my face. 

"Don't call me that, I'm hardly a junior yet. You got any food for me and my starving tummy?" I pat my stomach for emphasis. I can only imagine what my tummy would say if it could talk. Probably like "Why do you hate me so much, just let me inhale the whole fridge."  

"Sorry hun, this batch of food is going to the next town over for a little girls birthday party. Shes turning six. Shes going to have a blast." Mom quickly whisks to the fridge still talking about the little girls birthday party, while i'm only half listening. I'm still think about have a real conversation with my stomach. Would it have vocal cords? I shudder. I don't want my stomach to talk.

"Rae?" My mother snaps me out of my weird thoughts. "If you help me make the rest of this food, i'll make some grilled cheese." she says in a compelling voice. She knows I can't pass up her grilled cheese.

I smile and say, "Okay, but tomorrow do I get a big breakfast?" I see her lips roll up into a bigger smile.

"I don't know how you can eat so much and still be so small, but sure" she says, going to grab a pan and all of the ingredients for a grilled cheese.

I give her a curious look. "What are you doing? I thought we were going to make the party food first?"

Mom just nodded and shook her head at the same time, not giving me an answer as she turns up the radio. "I can finish the food tomorrow. I only have a little bit more to do and I don't want you to die." She sends me a wink. "Also you should be getting ready for school tomorrow. Dress all cute for all the boys." Another wink.

"Mom!" I groan. Shes has been trying to push me to get a boyfriend cause she doesn't believe in me having a steady relationship with Netflix. I strongly disagree. "I am perfectly fine with my life without a boyfriend." I give another strong eye roll. 

She holds up her hands in surrender, I know she had good intentions. I silently watch her as she cooks my grilled cheese. 

My mom is a strong women at heart. Shes a single parent so I try to make things easier on her by not causing trouble. Dad left when I was two. I don't really remember anything about him, but when mom talks about him, she said she wasn't happy and neither was he. So they split on good terms you could said. He still pays child support, so we know he's out there. 

Mom has her catering job that pays really well, so we don't struggle too much. 

"There." She says with a big smile on her face. "Let's eat." 


I know this is a very short chapter, but I hope the next on will be longer and will have H2o Delirious in it, so hold on to your horses. 

Rae is a weird girl. Thats the point of her. Shes different. Average. Which you read in the description. 

Some feedback on this chapter would be super helpful!! 




Happy day. :) 


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