The underground air is flowing, windy, and dull but not hard to breathe. Bandner was born and raised here, and he knew which way to go without careful identification. He encountered such forked roads several times on the road thereafter, making it difficult for first timers to tell the direction, and the ground undulated from time to time. The uneven and sometimes rugged terrain makes it difficult for everyone on the road to consider the choice of route... If you are an ordinary person, being brought into this kind of place, as long as you lose your guide, you will definitely get lost, but Ryan and Fan Huanting are different. They have drawn a simple route map in their minds, and by walking alone with vague memories, they can find the place almost exactly.

Since we have chosen to cooperate, we are all partners, and we should trust and treat each other candidly. Bandner introduced the origin of the "East Side" without reservation, "My ancestors detected that the bottom of the desert was empty when they were looking for water sources. He found a way to get in here and discovered this natural cave, which has criss-crossing passages extending in all directions. It took us more than a hundred years to pack it up and move in one after another. Having a shelter saved us from being pirated. The fate of slavery has maintained a delicate balance with the 'West Side'. Oh, it should have been a stalemate until now. If the 'West Side' hadn't thought it was stupid to waste explosives on useless people like us, I think it would have been two or three hundred years ago. 'East Side' ceased to exist."

He spoke plainly and did not mention the hardships, blood and tears in the process, but the more prosaic the narrative, the more reminiscent of the hardships, blood and tears that he went through.

Struggling to survive in the mud and not collaborating with the pirates, the "east" is a flower growing in the wasteland, which will eventually bloom.

Only one can realize the beauty of flowers. The "West" has always looked at the "East" with contempt.

"West" is sure that "East" is just a group of rats hiding underground and not daring to see people. They pose no threat to themselves at all. It is very interesting to watch them hide and hide. The high-ranking West pirates just watch the rats. His eyes looked at the people from the east who were struggling to survive. Once they feel that the "east side" will pose a threat to themselves, they will definitely clean up without hesitation. Bloody massacre is a word that pirates from the west often mention when threatening.

Lane said: "Showing weakness is a strategic defense, just to find opportunities to give the enemy a fatal blow."

"You are talking about Emperor Qin Feng's famous sayings!"

Ryan: "...So be it." Qin Feng has said enough things in his life, and countless of them have been regarded as famous quotes by later generations. I really don't know which words he says now are the same as those he said before.

Bandner said firmly: "It's not that, it's that. By the way, if you mention Emperor Qin Feng after meeting my people, you must use the honorific title. If you show a little disrespect, you will be beaten. ."

What supports everyone struggling to survive and find light in the darkness is the faith given to everyone by Qin Feng Anderson. The emperor's will has infected generations of people to never give up, abandon, or be discouraged, and firmly believe that the darkness will always pass and light will come. It will definitely come. It can be said that in the "east", Emperor Qin Feng Anderson is not only a belief, but also a god-like existence in the hearts of everyone.

Fan Huanting nodded, "Don't worry, it's not just you, we outsiders also respect the Emperor."

Bandner looked at Ryan. He always felt that Ryan's attitude towards Emperor Qin Feng was very contemptuous. Even though he used the honorific title in his mouth, the expression on his face and the look in his eyes told others that Ryan did not regard the Emperor as a serious person at all. The thing is, this kind of indifferent attitude towards the emperor has always made Bandner dislike it. Even if Ryan showed extraordinary abilities and helped him and his companions get out of trouble, Bandner still didn't like this person.

[BL] My Partner Was Assigned By The Country [END]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant