Chapter: 3

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The City of Nagazora - An Advance City made to be the Technological Hub of Japan, with it being seen as the Most Advanced City in the Entire World, and on the heart of it all is the Strongest Technological Company in the World ME Corp 

And right now, Kiana Klein was heading to such a place for herself, to discussed matters with the Technological Giant 

Kiana: ' Cecilia.. Do you think this is a Good thing to do? ' She asked her trusted companion, wanting to received her Input in this Important decision that she would be making 

Cecilia: [Fufufu~ Kiana-chan~ you musn't try to be so reliate on me, but I shall give my input here as your Companion, not as your System.. I think what you are doing is the right thing to do, with the Means of ME Corp, you could helped a lot of people with your technology]

Hearing that, Kiana couldn't helped but smile as well, sure she only did that because of a Quest of the Scientist Mod, but it still gave ehr a feeling of happiness that she was still able to do something for Humanity, even when she isn't fighting against the Honkai actively 

In fact, she actually has many quest lines that she needed to complete, many of them are Questlines that she hasn't even completed or made progressed on ever since she got Cecelia, and in truth she wanted to do some of it, since the EXP and Money that she would got in the end would be Immense, even with her High Level. just completing one Quest would level her up by 5 levels 

Kiana: ' And this is Quest that I got from the beginning? What's the use of a Lover and losing One's Virginity anyway? ' She thought, while looking at some of the Quest that designated there requirement for completion 

In truth, she would have just forgotten about it, not seeing the need to do any of it, but considering there EXP and Money that she would recieved, and the various possible Skills as well that she could got, entice her to get a Girlfriend and have sex

Cecilia hearing her thoughts, couldn't helped but just nervously laugh, since she was the one who designed the Quest and Rewards after all, she just made those Quest because she felt like those were Milestones in life after all, what she just didn't expect was for said Quest to appear right after acquiring her 

Cecilia: [ 'Could it be that I'am the one who destroyed her Innocence!' ] She couldn't helped but despair at that realization, but she could only regret it though, and so she just thought positive this time [ '.. Alright! Think positive!! With this Quest appearing before her, she would be bound to get a Lover and might even have a Child for me to call my own Grandchildren! Since after all! It's the reason why I keep adding more and more stats to her Charms after all!!' ] She thought, excited for Kiana's prospects in the future 

And of course, to achieved her Goals, she did cheated a little as well, upon acquiring her permission to exchanged her Money for Status Points, Cecilia purposely made far too much and transfered what was left to her Charm Stat, causing her reached the 300 mark now 

And of course, Kiana didn't suspect a thing, completely trusting Cecilia to the process of it all 

Something that did cause Cecilia to feel guilty about, since she did spent quite a lot of money, causing her to go down back to a Million Dollars left 


Arriving at the City, she couldn't helped but just marble at the tall and advance Skyscappers that littered the City, it was a sight that truly captivated her eyes 

Kiana: ' This City truly does have the right to be the Called the Techn Capital of the World ' She had to admit, she couldn't but be amaze by such sights before her 

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