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You tiredly open you eyes and move your hand around to find your phone hiding somewhere in your blankets."ugh..where is it.."
you find that it was not in your blankets but sitting on your nightstand, you role your eyes and turn off your alarm, you are leaving in a couple days to Japan because your dad got a job offer because of his old friends recommendation.

Your parents told you to set an alarm for 8am so you can be up early enough to get packing, you pretty much have everything packed except for your empty dresser and nightstand that your phone was sitting on, your currently still laying on your mattress too tired to get up, but you push yourself through it and endure the tiredness.

You get off of your mattress and go to the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth and wash your face, you then Analyze yourself for a moment in your bathroom mirror and then walk out to look for your mom to ask which box she put the towels.

You walk downstairs to see your mom packing more of the kitchen utensils but still leaving out a couple for you guys to use in the meantime. "Morning mom" you say with a joyful yet tired voice. "Good morning y/n, how did you sleep sweetheart?" Your mom says with a pleasant smile on her face. "I slept okay, the mattress wasn't a big help letting me sleep though" you say with a joking tone.

Your mom laughs a little and says "sorry sweetie, we leave Tuesday so it's not to long from now just hold in there for two more days" you laugh a bit too and carry on saying "yeah I know, I just wish we weren't leaving so soon I'm going to miss my friends" your mother looks a bit saddened by that statement because she already knows how you feel about moving to a whole other country "I know y/n, but you know that this is a big opportunity for your dad, and for are family in general." You slightly look away from your mom and say " yeah I get that and I understand..sorry, anyways can you show me where you put my box of clothes and the towels so I can shower" your mother looks back at you saying "they should be in the hallway upstairs hun" you silently thank her and go upstairs to get your clothes and towel.

When you finish getting those needed items you go back to your room and into the bathroom to shower, you turn on the shower trying to make sure it wasn't too hot or cold before you enter, once you find the right temperature you get in and take your well needed shower.

•currently 7pm•

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•currently 7pm•

You finally get finished loading the rest of your stuff into the moving truck and your dad sends them off to take all of your guys belongings to Japan. "We'll I guess it's official now" your dad states "yeah I guess so.." you sadly say, your dad noticed your saddened tone and responded with "I know this is a big Change but trust me you are going to love Tokyo, I used to live there and it was the best times of my life, you will make lots of friends, and maybe meet someone you will want to spend the rest of your life with." Your dad jokingly winks at you and laughs a lightly.

You look at him and say "yeah I guess your right..I'm kind of looking forward too it" you smile at your mom and dad

Little did you know, moving there would change your life forever.

I hope you guys enjoyed this, I know it's a little short but I will make the next chapters longer, I'm still a beginner writer but I'm working hard on this, I know it probably won't get any views but whoever does read it I hope you stay and enjoy!!

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