Chapter 22: Christmas in Hogsmeade

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In a unanimous discussion, they agreed to go outside; they all played and walked around in the snow for hours. After those long hours and after they all got changed again, and decided to spend the rest of their day in Hogsmeade.

Hermione and Ron decided they would go and look at the Shrieking Shack again, reminding them of when Harry was throwing snowballs at Malfoy and his friends, under his invisibility cloak; it was hilarious, by the way.

Molly, Arthur, Minerva, and Iris already arrived at the Three Broomsticks enjoying some adult time, before they had to talk about Order business, after the holidays. Sirius, Remus, Fred, and George decided to head straight to the joke shop. Since Remus and Sirius were a part of a prank group, they had no problem in giving the twins ideas to prank, well, Sirius didn't. Remus was there to watch them and as usual, be the responsible one of the group. Luce and Ginny decided to go on an afternoon walk around the village. Luce was leaning on Ginny's shoulder, while Ginny wrapped an arm around Luce, holding her close.

This left Draco and Harry alone. The two boys were standing by a tree in awkward silence for a bit till Harry broke it.

"So...what do you want to do? Harry asked quietly. He was looking down and holding his arms over himself because of the cold wind and snowfall.

Draco didn't know why, but the way Harry was standing and looked, looked...cute? "I don't know," Draco said. Matching Harry's volume.

"Um-, w-we could go on a walk I-if you want,' Harry asked his volume a little louder than he intended, since he was nervous.

"Sure; okay." Draco said, still trying to understand why his breaths felt trapped and his heart was slowly starting to race.

Draco and Harry eventually decided to take a walk on a trail in the woods that surrounded Hogsmeade, out of sight of the other's, and Ginny and Luce. They were mainly talking about how excited they were for the upcoming Quidditch games, since that's all they both were experts on.

Harry was going on and on again about the games, not paying attention to where he was going. "HARRY!" Draco yelled, quickly catching Harry, before he would've face planted. Harry didn't notice that there was a rock in his path.

Draco was holding Harry protectively, as they stood there for a couple moments. Harry didn't realize how lovely Draco's gray eyes were. This time, Harry felt his cheeks start to burn. The silence was again broken by Harry, as the two let go of eachother.

"Th-that was one of the first times you have called me Harry, why is that?" Harry asked in a mumble.

"Slipped out I guess, since you're the idiot who almost face planted into a rock." Draco crossed his arms and continued walking. As he did, he heard Harry chuckle, which made him smile, very slightly. Yet, his smile went back to his usual smug look, as Harry caught up with him again. After they turned around to go back the way they originally came, Draco smirked and playfully shoved Harry, before he started sprinting back up and down the path. "Race you back to find my sister, Potter."

Harry quickly darted after him, and barely caught up to him as they made it back into the center of Hogsmeade. That's also where Draco ran into Luce, and accidentally knocked her into the snowbank with him.

"Draco!" Luce groaned as she was helped back up to her feet by Ginny, who then helped her wipe the snow off herself. "Watch it brother." Luce glared at him.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, since I was focused on winning."

"Obviously I know that." Luce complained, as Harry and Ginny helped Draco to his feet.

"What were you two doing anyways?" Ginny went back to Luce's side.

"Well we were walking the trail in the woods, but since it's getting dark out, we came back." Draco explained, shaking the snow off his Slytherin House scarf.

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