Chapter 7: Their First Big Fight

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(TW: parent/child fight and PTSD and nightmare) 

Luce and Ginny came back inside, setting the blanket on the small table near the closet. As the two passed the kitchen, they were surprised to see Minerva, Iris, Molly, Sirius, and Remus sitting around the table. Arthur and the rest of the Weasley's that were home, including Harry and Hermione had gone off to Diagon Alley for their day, they had woken up early to do so.

Ginny and Luce tried to sneak past, but Minerva had seen them. "What were you two doing?" Minerva asked in a stern voice, but smiled from the table, after taking a sip of her cup of tea.

"Especially the fact that it is this early in the morning," Molly added, clearly demanding an answer, even though she too had a questioning smile on her face.

All Iris could do was try not to laugh. Knowing the fact that it reminded her of when Minerva and herself used to sneak out together made her laugh.

Ginny and Luce just stood there, and glanced at each other. "We could ask you all the same question."

Luce was still upset at her mums from yesterday, of what she found in Minerva's trunk. No, she wasn't intentionally snooping, Luce was getting her headphones back. Still, she didn't know why she was defensive at the moment, but the feeling wasn't going away, the more the two stood there.

Luce started to dig her fingernails into her palms seconds after. Ginny had stepped closer, and Luce readjusted her stance too.

Everyone had instantly stopped what they were doing and all looked at Lucinda with wide eyes. "You watch your tone, young lady," Minerva said, but deep down she was concerned for her daughter. Recently, luce has been drifting away and Minerva wanted to know why.

Luce just rolled her eyes. "Hey, it's okay." Ginny whispered, grabbing onto Luce's arm, turning her own back to the adults.

"No, it's not okay. They're coming here, Gin. They're coming in two days for Christmas."

"What are you talking about, who?" Ginny was holding Luce's hands, so she would stop hurting herself, and try to calm down.

"I read the letters. The ones between my old parents and my mums. They're coming for Christmas."

It took a moment for Ginny to realize what she was talking about, but the moment she did, "You invited them?! Are you all crazy? Like actually?! They abused her and tortured her or have you suddenly forgotten?!" Ginny had whipped around almost instantly.

"Gin, it-, it's okay-."

Ginny had cut Luce off, still yelling out of anger. "They tormented you, Lucinda! Draco is tolerable and all, but your-." Ginny had cut herself off, after she saw Luce flinch. "Hey-." Luce had been squeezing her eyes shut. Ginny hugged Luce as she noticed her tone of voice. Ginny softened her tone, "I'm sorry, love." No one spoke, no one acknowledged what Ginny slipped out. Luce finally nodded and stepped back. "You need to tell us what's going on." Ginny spoke in a much calmer, but still serious tone, holding onto Luce's hand.

"I read the letters and I know what they said. They want to see me, and I-, I need to see them too." Luce had raised her voice, matching Ginny's tone, but it was still quiet, especially her last words.

Minerva lightened up a bit, but was still mad at Lucinda's tone of voice that she used against her. "Well, your mother and I-," She looked at Iris then back at Luce, she continued, "-we were thinking that your brother could stay with us for the rest of the holidays."

"What's in it for you?" For some reason Luce was still getting annoyed, even though she was really happy Draco was staying for the rest of the break.

Everyone was looking between the two. Even though Luce and Minerva weren't yet related, they did have the same temper. Minerva started to get angry which made her lips go thin. "And what do you mean by that?" Minerva asked, dangerously quiet. This caused a lot of tension in the room, which everyone felt.

Surviving......Hogwart's FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora