10: Roller-Coaster

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He first noticed Atlas.

Odd, he didn't usually turn up at his crimes. Everyone knew it was him considering it's in Queens—but he never showed up. He had minions to do it for him. Joel started to clap and make noise, the streets seemed empty and devoid of citizens, he could do what he wanted. As long as it didn't ruin public property too much.

Joel found himself smirking, play it up for not only the villains but the eventual media. Maybe he was crazy nowadays but it seems fun. "Hey, Ice Boy! Why're you terrorizing a restaurant? Your date didn't show up?" He yelled out, waiting for Atlas's attention. Sure enough, the villain atop the ice trashed his 'creation' and turned to face him.

It was like a movie—he lowered his ice tower to walk and talk to Joel. "Should I feel honoured?" Joel whispered, staring as Atlas made his slow descend. "Ah, you've finally decided to show up. Thought you were on vacation, y'know? Usually you're all over me, Wolfy." Atlas chuckled, his grin staying strong the entire time.

"You and I perhaps are having a fallout of sorts? The missing persons cases too much for you? I'm surprised you let Orange steal from the bakery." Atlas mentioned something that happened a couple days ago. Right before Joel went to go interrogate Etho, Orange (Atlas's Star Minion) had been seen stealing from a bakery. It was close to Joel's home, Jimmy liked to go there to get baked goods sometimes.

Atlas stepped closer, Joel swiftly dodged an attack. Atlas used his power to freeze ice, Joel had to avoid touching the ground by jumping to avoid getting frozen along with it. Like hopping over waves as a child. "Fallout? Pfft—you really think I miss you? If anything, I was happier. Way happier. Your absence makes my blummin' job easier mate." Joel didn't mean to lean closer to Atlas, but he did.

Joel used his powers, picking up some of the road-side soil, molding it and locking Atlas's feet in place. He was careful not to stay close for too long. Atlas was strong, he could easily freeze it off. It was simply a distraction, Joel stepped back as he let Blaze handcuff the villain. The handcuffs were silver, which easily thawed any ice Altas created.

Realistically Joel was very well aware that Atlas could easily escape with his partners in crime within the next week. The stupid police never had a hold on him for too long. It was a running public gag at this point. And since Heros weren't 24/7 and one hero couldn't be guarding everyday, they couldn't keep Atlas. They just needed to cuff him, try and get some information on the missing persons cases was their best bet.

Despite being caught, Atlas was grinning. He had this irritating smile on his face. "Jeez, at least take me out for dinner first!" Atlas smiled as Blaze took a step back. He held the keys, right out of Atlas's reach. "Why are you laughing?" It was a genuine question from Joel. Usually Atlas played it up by scowling or sneering at him.

"Oh Lykos... you really dumb, aren't you? You walked right into our trap." Atlas's comment didn't mean anything. Joel simply dragged him into a police car, the officer saluted at him. Joel knew Atlas had this banter with him all the time, but this time... it felt different. Somehow. He shook it off. Atlas's words have no weight, surely.

"Says you! You're a complete moron! We know where you've taken Jimmy. And for your information—" Joel stopped upon feeling a tug on his arm. It was cold. He retracted his arm away from whomever it was: "That's enough, Lykos. Our job here is done." Ender interrupted, breathing so heavily Joel could practically feel it tingle against his neck.

"Have fun with your boyfriend, we thought you guys already broke up—" Ender slammed the police car door, effectively shutting Atlas up. "Let's go." Ender said quietly, turning away to walk back. Joel paused for a second, trying to let everything that just happened sink in. He took a deep breath; "Alright." He followed Ender back, looking at the ground.

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