I| Death

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[Emila Soranzo]

Growing up being the daughter of a diplomat and a socialite, I always knew – even as a little girl – that my life could be used a leverage to manipulate my parents, but it never seems like it's going to happen to you. It was also always quite clear to me that I could lose either of them at any point of my life. I've read about losing a parent, but it always felt so far away, which is why when it happened to me, it felt like I wasn't living in my own body, like I could see everything from a distance.

The feeling of a hand rubbing my back as my mother's casket was carried into my family's crypt was downright disgusting. I felt compelled to push it away and scream to the owner to get away from me, to let me crumble as I needed for the loss of my mother. The only one who could fix me during such a dire time, is my mother, but I felt her last touch and heard her last words two days ago...and I won't ever have either again.

"Dear, I think it's best if we go home; you need to rest and eat," my fiancé said as he kept on rubbing my back.

I simply stepped away, not agreeing with his plan "I'm going with my father – he shouldn't be alone."

Carson, my fiancé, nodded with a frown "Then allow me to stay, I'll help you take care–"

"No," I shook my head "this business trip has been scheduled for months, and I think it's best if my father and I spend some days alone; we need to grieve."

He leaned down to peck my lips, accepting my words "Okay, but just say it and I'll be on a flight home as soon as possible. Do you hear me?" He's always quite stubborn about me assuring him I understand what he says, because I rarely accept his offers.

I nodded, forcing a weak smile "I hear you, baby."

It felt wrong to hug him goodbye, right outside my mother's burial site, but there was no alternative. Once he had walked away, I rushed in my heels to catch up to my father "Babbo," I took his hand upon reaching him "let's get you home."


He glanced at me to show me a weak smile "You don't have to come with me, bunny," he said in his thick Italian accent. "You should go to New York with Carson; get your mind off things."

I shook my head "I'm not leaving you alone."

My dad brought my hand up to his lips to give it a peck "Thank you, bunny."

On our way back to the Italian Embassy, which is where my family has resided the three times my father has served as the Italian ambassador in the UK. The first time was when I was born, which is when my parents decided they would stay in London even after my dad wasn't the ambassador. He has been ambassador in some other countries, but just last year he was named the Italian ambassador for the UK – he was supposed to retire after this term, and go on a lengthy holiday with my mother...but that's never going to happen now.

She was the sole reason why I agreed to a wedding in the first place, and she's not even going to see that fulfilled. For me a simple signing of the papers, and dinner with my family would've been more than enough; much of my life I've been to grand social events, so I personally avoid them at all costs.

Once we were in the residence, my father gave me a peck on the cheek and told me he needed to take care of work "Babbo, you can't go back to work—"

"My work is not as sympathetic as you are, bunny," he softly smiled as he looked at me from the top of the stairs. "I asked the chef to make you dinner, so please, eat and then sleep. ?"

My burning puffy eyes filled with tears "Mum would be proud of you; you reminding me to eat when she was the one who always had to pummel you about eating."

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