Chapter 3

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Rias groaned as she slowly opened her eyes and looked around and saw that the others were still unconscious from the fight with Sasuke.

"Damnit, he completely defeated us like we where child's play." Rias told herself as she stood up and noticed the others finally starting to wake up again. "Glad we told Asia to say at the club room."

"Damn my heads killing me right now, that was a big ass-whooping we just got dealt to us Rias." Akeno told her king who destroyed the dead body and the blood and broken area around them. "Whoever Sasuke really is, he is dangerous and not exactly the friendly kind of person. He had a supernatural aura, I just can't put my finger on it at all."

"I also sensed it, not one of the 3 main faction and not a god or dragon." Kiba fallowed after as he rubbed his head.

"Like Akeno said, whatever he may be, Sasuke is extremely dangerous and has shown he will strike if necessary. For now we need to be sure to keep are distance till we figure out exactly what we are dealing with, let's head back. Asia is probably worried about us right now. We were supposed to be back by now." Rias told everyone as they all came together and teleported away.

With Sasuke

Sasuke appeared outside his house as he unlocked and opened the door and walked inside and took his backpack off and his shoes as he went to the kitchen to get some food. "Wow, what an interesting turn of events for me. Two Fallen Angel's dead back to back. Then I kicked the ass of the Gremory heir. I honestly was disappointed by how poorly they fought. With so much talent on there team I would expect something more from them. Well when your me most people are weak links." Sasuke told himself sighing as he got some food and water and went upstairs to his room and fell asleep.

Next day

Sasuke was currently laying down on his couch watching tv. Today was Saturday so he had no school today and that meant he didn't have to deal with Rias and her group of dumbasses. He didn't really have a problem with them but they were starting to get on his nerves when they stalk him Anyone would be creeped out by someone stalking them no matter who it is. "Ahhhhhh, man weekends are nice from school, but there is not much to do with the free time. Maybe I should go out myself and look for strays. That would be something interesting to do for the meantime. It is also almost night time. More dragon ball Z when I get home." Sasuke told himself as he made a couple hand sings and in a poof of smoke his mask formed over his face. "Let's go see what we can find." Sasuke opened a portal and walked through it.

Unknown location

"Seems this place has the highest activity." Sasuke walked out of the portal and was looking at a abandoned building and he could sense a group of people inside the building. "Seems like it's more then one, 4 I count." Sasuke ran and jumped onto the building quietly and walked to a opening in the ceiling and saw 4 people. "Bingo." Sasuke looked down trying to see what they were talking about.

"We have been doing well we need to make sure we can draw out the Gremory heir. Once we capture her we can force the devil king to give us what we want and we can become unstoppable, no one will stand in are way." One of the people said as Sasuke continued to listen to there conversation.

"What about the new person that showed up in town, he killed two of are men. We gotta be sure to keep an eye out for him in case he shows up to kill us." Another spoke up to the other 2 people. "If he shows up he could jeopardize the plan and all this will be for nothing."

"Not to mention he took out the Gremroy Heir and her peearge. Who this person is we have no idea but we know whoever he is....he is trouble." The last person added onto the others warning.

"I am sure he has no care for her. If he was strong enough and laid them all out he most likely is not on good terms. I hear the girl is a spoiled brat who thinks she can say and do whatever she wants with no consequences. Just because she own part of
The town and her brother is the devil king." The first person told them all and they nodded. "Tonight we move in, they will be coming here soon to try to "deal with a stay. Unfortunately we are gonna ambush them."

"Today we become unstoppable gentlemen get ready for wealth and riches." The third person said and they all laughed as Sasuke watched them smirking.

"Man these guys are gonna have a sorry ass time dealing with her. She may seem bratty but she is still strong enough to take all 4 of those people." Sasuke told himself watching them get ready for
The fight to come.

With Rias and her group

"Ok everyone we are getting together tonight to go and handle a stray that Sona has requested us to go and take out. It is at the abandoned building about 4 blocks from the club room. We will have Kiba lead Akeno you will take the high ground Koneko you will help Kiba and Asia will stay back to heal when needed. Do we all understand?" Rias asked everyone as they nodded their heads. "Alright let's head out then." Rias told everyone as they all came together and teleported to the abandoned building.

Abandoned building

"This place is pretty creepy, it gives off weird vibes I won't lie." Koneko told her king as she and everyone walked into Sasuke view who was laying on the roof then sensed there aura.

"Look who finally showed up, hopefully she can see that they are walking into a trap." Sasuke saw them enter the building. "Let the games begin." Sasuke told himself smirking.

"I thought there was supposed to be a stray here? I don't see anyone and it looks like no one has been here at all." Koneko told her king as Sasuke was standing looking down. He activated his Rinne-Sharingan to easily see the 4 men hiding. "Jesus they can't even sense them masking there aura.

"Yea you're right this is kinda of odd, are you sure Sona didn't say a different place?" Kiba asked his king who shook her head.

"No she said th-."

"LOOK OUT." Akeno yelled as they looked back and saw 4 light spears thrown from all sides as they summoned there wings and flew into the sky.

"What the hell?" Rias yelled as they saw the 4 men come from the shadows. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Rias yelled at them as they landed back on the ground.

"Rias Gremroy, we are your demise." The first man said as he dash at her but Kiba jumped in between and those two started to trade blows as Akeno did the same with another and Koneko.

"We are here to capture you and force your brother to give us whatever we want." One fighting Akeno yelled to her.

"We won't let you get to the President." Kiba yelled as he was hit from the back and kicked into the air crashing into Akeno.

"Bastard." Rias shot her POD at one but he moved out of the way.

"Your group is even more pathetic then we thought." One of them said stabbing Kiba in the shoulder then hitting Akeno into the ground.

"Ok I think I have seen enough of this crap, take them down now." The leader told the others as they managed to scrap them all up over a short time and chain them up.

"Let's us go we didn't do anything!" Asia told the men who smirked.

"We know you didn't do anything, but we need you all as leverage over the devil king." The man said as they all laughed as Rias and everyone realized this was a kidnapping.

Bammmmmm chapter 3 done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_God18

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