Chapter 22 - Confession

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"Oh. Better, so I don't have to tell you everything."

"Forget it, love." Alex told her. "Now you tell us everything in detail. You have to leave nothing out."

Jasmine sighed. She expected it, and in some ways it was also the right thing to do. Maybe confessing would make her feel a little bit better.

"Alright then. But remember, this thing remains exclusively between us." She sighed again, more sadly this time. "I'd like to talk to y'all about it in person, actually."

"We miss you a lot too, Jas." Wendy assured her, as always she was able to immediately interpret all of her friend's emotions.

"Yeah. It's not easy to deal with these two alone." Stuart tried to lighten up the situation.

"HEY!" Alex exclaimed. "I'm the one forced to live with you!"

"Grit your teeth just a little longer, sis."

"I can't wait for you to come visit me." Jas continued, chuckling. Although she stopped immediately, becoming serious again. "I have to make sure it's safe first, though."

"Yes, that would be awesome." Stuart admitted, as he sent her an invitation to join the match.

"Come on, tell us everything." Wendy spurred her.

"Okay, so... uhm..." The brunette searched for the right words, finally deciding to start with the fact that was simultaneously the best and, in some ways, the worst. "It seems like the gift was much appreciated."

"You don't sound very happy though." Wendy pointed out. And from there Jas began to tell all the story, giving an account of everything that had happened, including the not-a-date with Mike and everything that she had left out the previous times. Knowing Jasmine, and given the macabre situation, the three refrained from making comments about their friend's admirer, even if only momentarily.

"Let's recap a moment." Alex said. "Last night Jason killed 17 people, plus the two girls at the lake, and that makes 19 victims. And you saw all 19 of them, and for two of them you witnessed the... the event. As if that wasn't enough, not only did you give him an axe and some muffins, he also decided to stare at you for an hour while you slept. Oh, and he brought the necklace back to you. A very nice gesture, no doubt."

"In a nutshell, yes." She confirmed. Then no one spoke for a good minute, filled only by the game's soundtrack, which obviously suited the mood of the moment perfectly. "Guys, please, tell me something."

"Doctor, what do you think?" Stuart asked, referring to Wendy, who had not intervened throughout the story, probably because she was intent on entering the killer's psyche and trying to find a way to reassure Jasmine as best as she could.

"As far as you know, are you absolutely sure that Jason has no bad intentions towards you?" She asked in the "professional" tone that characterized the future psychology student.

"Not for the moment. He's had more than one opportunity to hurt us, and he doesn't even seem to have come close to my parents."

"You think the people of the movies got him right?"

"With what the woman at the store told me, I'd say yes."

"So he's the Jason who just wants no one to bother him. I don't think you need to worry too much, knowing you." Wendy concluded.

Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wasn't the only one who thought that.

"I'm not telling you to go look for him, let's be clear." She then continued. "Jason is not like Michael, but like Michael, if he wanted you dead you would already be. Continue to not bother him and he shouldn't hurt you." There she was again, making comparisons with Myers. It was amazing how similar those two girls were.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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