Chapter 8

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Butte, Montana had its fair share of quakes. They weren't a shock like a tornado or hurricane sweeping through town would be. Earthquakes of high intensity however, were a bit of a rarity. As everything started to shake Sandy's heart began to race. The trunk slid across the room, dust floated down from the rafters, and the few pictures on the wall began to fall. The biggest earthquake Sandy had ever felt was a 5.3 and only lasted a few seconds.

This quake was more powerful and lasted for about fifteen seconds. Danny pulled her away from the window and threw his body over hers. When it was over, a chorus of loud voices calling out to each other could be heard from downstairs.

"Are you ok, Danny?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah." He helped her up and they raced downstairs. Thankfully nobody was hurt and after an inspection, the house seemed to come through just fine. They had to clean up a bit as the quake had thrown some of the decorations into disarray. Social media lead them to believe the quake had been gentler, and shorter in the town proper as no deaths or massive damage was reported.

Sandy didn't realize she was still wearing the old dress until Jan commented on it. Sandy looked down at the once beautiful dress and felt guilt. While she'd come through without a scratch, the delicate fabrics hadn't. Sandy thought she might be able to fix it before she left, so when she moved her things into the bridal suite the old dress went there too.

"This has got to be the most exciting wedding I've ever attended," Betty told her as they were getting ready.

"Haunted house, good friends, good food, what's not to like?" Francis asked as she adjusted her hair.

Marty came into the room with a smile, her Cannon camera hung around her neck and she was trailed by one of her assistants. "We got photos of the initials upstairs. And I've got a surprise for you tomorrow."

"What is it? Sandy asked excitedly.

"You won't get it out of me," Marty asked. "Jan let me help you with your hair."

"Can you two help me get into my dress?" Sandy asked Betty and Francis.

They hurried over and helped her into the many layers of fabrics. Despite the full look it was breathable and light. Francis did Sandy's hair as the other girls opened a bottle of white wine. Sandy took sips while Francis helped turn her into a princess. Even with bruises on her face, Sandy made a stunning picture, she hoped Danny would think so too. The assistant took pictures of them and then it was go time.

"You're beautiful, sweetie," her father told her. "I've waited to escort you down this slow sweet walk since the day you were born. And now—" tears watered her father's eyes.

"Thank you, dad."

"See you out there," Betty said quietly as she took her walk ahead of them.

Excitement flooded through Sandy. She couldn't wait to lay eyes on Danny and see what he'd chosen as his wedding costume. The bridal march started and after a second, Sandy and her father entered the room. There were far more guests than Sandy expected and in such great costumes! There was a zombie, someone had pulled out all stops to be Marcus Daly, and even someone dressed Shoestring Annie was there. Sandy smiled and nodded to as many guests as she could. Then she turned her eyes to the front.

Danny had chosen to be Aragorn from Lord Of The Rings. He even had a crown and sword to go with the movie accurate coronation costume from the last movie, she could recognize Betty's handiwork at twenty paces. Sandy loved it.

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