7. - Worry, Friend and Tease.

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Parrot's POV:

I'm not sure if I should use the last potion that I made after seeing what happened to Reddoons.

It would go to waste tho. I thought as I looked at the potion. Maybe someone who causes a ton of chaos? I started staring at the potion once again. I do want some peace, but who? (Give me ideas in comments😔)

Branzy's POV:

I woke up, sweating as I looked around. Where am I? Oh god... Clown's gonna be so worried that I disappeared. I thought as I looked around the room even more.

Is this some hospital? I never knew we had one on Lifesteal, damn. There were 3 more beds. I couldn't see if anyone else was here, until I heard my communicator buzzing. I bet it's Clown.

Branzy                    ClownPierce

-Baby where are you?
(They're dating but no one knows alr?)

-When are you coming back?

-Plz Respond


-Don't worry, I'm ok, but I'm in some sorts of hospital. I don't remember much, but I got splashed with some potion and I just woke up.

-Alr, but inform me if anything happens?

-Yes, yes. Will do. Love you :)

-Love you too.♥️

I smile at my communicator, as I turn it off. I heard some bed creaks and turned my head in the way of the noises. I suppose someone's awake. I thought. I saw black hair with some purple tints. So Ash is here.

„Man... What time is it?" Ash asked, probably himself, but I still answered him.

„It's 4PM." I answered him as he turned his head in my way.

„Oh, hey Branzy!" He said to me. Did he know that I'll be here?  „Wait, Branzy? Oh. So I was right." He added with a smile

„What the hell is happening?" Asked the third person in this room.

„Branzy's here!" Ash said, then added after a while. „Stop being so grumpy, Red." Wait, Reddoons is here?

„Who the hell thought that putting you tho in a room together was a good idea?" I asked.

„Well, Planet did." Red answered coldly to me, not even turning to me.

„Come on, Red, don't me to him. He just got here." Ash defended me. He went over to Red and sat next to him.

„Woah, Y'all are friends now or something?" I asked, confused about their interaction.

„I gue-" „No." Red cut Ash off and glared at him.

„Aw man." Ash looked a bit hurt. What did I miss here? Well, a lot I just got here. I thought and slowly dozed off.

Ash's POV:

Me and Red aren't friends? I thought we were... Atleast friends.

„Geez, you okay? You look hurt. If it's about the friends thing, then I rather keep that a secret at this moment, alright?" Red said and looked deeply into my eyes. Soon he added: „Sorry, but I guess we are friends." 

That felt a big better, I kinda jumped in excitement.

„You really wanted to be friends with me, eh?" He asked teasingly. Smirking at me. I blushed lightly, but stopped rather quickly.

„Shut the fuck up, dumbass!" I raised my voice at him, but quiet enough to not wake up Branzy.

„Awh, do you not want to admit it? You didn't even say no." He laughed at me quietly and I started blushing again. „Don't be so flustered. Your the one that wanted to be friends with me." He added. I blushed even more and started covering my face in my knees.

„Why is it me that always comes here when y'all are doing weird stuff." A new voice said and we looked at the door. A quick flash was heard and he ran away.

„ZAM!" Red quickly got up and was about to run, but I help him back and pulled him to me.

„We don't want you getting hurt, now do we?" I asked him, not thinking about our pose.

I heard the door creak and another flash. Red was blushing, a lot. I couldn't see his eyes as he was looking away. I pushed him back on the bed and he immediately covered him eyes with his hands.

„Who's flustered now?" I teased him.



I seriously wrote this at school- I have 7 more pages to write but that's for next day. I'm gonna probably write more and more. So yeahhhh hope you enjoyed this kinda rushed chapter since I had like 3 lessons that I could write on.👍

Started: 12.10 Arrround 8 AM

Ended: 12.10 Uhhhhhhh idfk maybe like 12 PM? No no 1 PM yesyes.

Written on PC/Phone: 14.10 (+Grammar checks) 0:10 AM

Published: ^^

Words: 788 (Including A/Ns)

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