6. - Crazy?

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Well dang. I took some time off! I'll try to make this extra long! :)


Planet's POV:

I was carelessly laying on my bed, scrolling through stuff on my communicator. (They act like phones, mk?) There wasn't anything new and I was getting a little bored, until I saw Parrot message me. I checked it out and it was weird. It just said „You'll have more patients coming soon. ;). Zam was looking over my shoulder, so he probably saw it too.

„Do you know what he means with that? These two are already a burden. I don't want more here.” He said simply and got closer to me.

„Like heck I'd know!” I raised my voice a bit. „But yeah, they are a burden. Let's hope they somehow bond together.”

I answered him and we laughed a bit.

„I should probably show them this, it can br dangerous and they should know about it.” I said and got up from the bed, walking over to the door slowly. „I'll be right back!”

I walked a bit faster in the hallways and made it to the room rather quickly.

„Hey guys! Can I enter? It's important.” I asked my ‚patients’.

„Yeah, sure. Ash is still sleeping though.” Reddoons answered. Boredom loudly filling his voice.

„When did you start calling him Ash? Never in my life did I hear you calling him that." I asked curiously as I entered the room making my way to his bed.

„Since the last night. We had a small... ‚Talk’” He answered my question and and I was at his bed now. „Now show me what you wanted to.”

„Alright, alright. Here you go.” I said as I showed him what Parrot sent me.

„Jeez. That sounds so freaky. Is he spying on us or something?" He asked the text.😇 „Does he want another war? Cause I for sure don't!”

„Maybe? Who knows at this point. Also tell Ash when he wakes up.” I told him as I started making my way to the door and left.

-Time skip- (Wowie I barely do these??)

Reddoons's POV:

Ash was up by now. He sure sleeps a lot...  Anyways, I get up with some struggle and talk to him.

„Good morning, sleeping beauty.” I teased him about his sleeping.

„Holy crap, the one and the only one Reddoons calling me beautiful? I feel honored.” He says looking at me as I sit on the end of the bed.

„You know what I mean. Anyways, we'll have some more people coming soon. Parrot wants to start more war and stuff.” I told him what I got from Planet.

„Wait what? Parrot is behind this shit? Damn I thought he wanted peace.” He stated, zoning out. Probably processing what I just said.
„Same, guess not. The server is kinda dead tho. Maybe it will be more alive with war?”

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