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"i'm making this clear. I don't support this. And i hope Jacob says no. I'm only coming with you to make sure you don't do any stupid shit" Violet scoffed as she sat beside Bella in her worn truck, Three old Motorcycles in the back as they drove to the rez.

"You don't need to support it." Bella shrugged her eyes glued to the road as they turned into the Rez. The truck swaying over the bumpy road, Bellas foot connected with the break as the truck came to a halt at Jacobs. Both Girl's climbing down from the old truck as Jacob emerged from the Garage.

"Bella! Where the hell have you been Loca?" Jacob gushed as he jogged toward the two girls, An instant smile tugging at Bellas lips as Violet fought against cringing at the nickname choosing to only laugh it off as Jacob pulled Bella into his arms picking her up from the floor and spinning her around.

"We brought you something" Violet smiled as Jacob placed bella back onto the floor. Jacobs brows furrowed before he turned to violet, and to her surprise he brought her into his arms. Hugging her, he questioned;"oh really? are you okay?"

Violet was slightly taken back by the hug, The lack of human contact she'd faced causing a wave of emotion to roll over her body as Jacobs warmth enveloped her. Violet chuckled bringing herself back to reality, she rubbed Jacobs back as he pulled away; "Yeah i'm good"

"It's a little Crazy. Violets very against it" Bella Chuckled as she walked around the truck. Jacobs expression eager to know what the girls had brought him. And when Bella pulled back the tarpaulin Jacobs smile faltered a unserious tone falling from his lips; "wow. scrap metal, you shouldn't have"

"And we got the professional's opinion. Can't fix them" Violet chuckled hoping they would be the end of it. Jacobs brows knitting together as he looked toward Violet; "You think i can't fix them? So little faith in my abilities" He shook his head, a lopsided smile etched onto his face.

"i saved them from the junkyard. they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth, but then i thought if i had a mechanic friend to help me out." Bella distracted from the small interaction Violet and Jacob where having causing Jacobs attention to fall Back on her.

"Ah me, The mechanic type friend. Since when are you into motorcycles?" Jacob questioned his beautiful dark eyes flickering between Violet and Bella.

"Since now." Bella answered, Jake sighed his eyes falling on the bikes before glancing to Violet as if thinking if he could actually Fix them, His Silence causing Bella's anxiety to erupt.

"I get it if you think this is really stupid, and reckless" Bella nodded Her hands stuffed into her Pockets embarrassment rolling through her body.

"Yeah it's completely stupid and reckless" Both Violet and Jacob Spoke in unison Making their eyes connect, Soft chuckles falling from both their lips. Jacobs eyes connecting with violets for a second longer than needed causing a slight blush to dampen her Cheeks.

"When do we start?" Jacob Suggested Bellas face lighting up at his words in disbelief, A smile quickly tugging at the Swan Girls lips. While Violet sighed.

"Uh Now" Bella smiled Nodding Both her and Jacob wearing identical smiles while Violet replayed the memory of the night before in her mind. Bella running off with that Guy, The urge to tell Jacob almost irresistible yet she couldn't. She couldn't be the reason for any more ruined relationships.

"alright" Jacob smiled as he walked past both Violet and Bella, Fully pulling the tarpaulin from the three motorcycles revealing the scrap metal in the back of Bellas truck Before he Gripped both sides of one of the bikes, Bella automatically giving him a warning; "Be careful, They're actually really-"

I wanna be yours|| J.Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن