Chapter 21. Tomorrow

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While waffles were baking, Sam took trash pack and left the house.

Loona felt smell of something being cooked and licked her lips, she hadn't eaten for a whole day already and was hungry. Suddenly, a scream broke the silence

???: OH! FU...

It was Sam. Loona quickly went to the main door, to the source of sound. She saw the guy standing near two trash cans, one of them was lying on the ground.

Loona: What happened?

Sam: Cats... One of these nasty creatures was hiding inside a trash can and rushed out of it when I threw the bag.

Loona: Yea, I don't like cats too

Sam: Are you a dog person?

Loona: Yeah... (Literally - she continued in her head with a sly smile)

Both of them felt smell of burning waffles and Sam rushed to the house. He got in time, a minute more and their breakfast would be ruined. After they had the meal, Sam offered Loona to set her new phone, she agreed. Of course the human realm phone couldn't use apps from Hell, but she was grateful to Sam anyway. The process took about 20 minutes and Loona was now online again! Having nothing to do she was scrolling Instagram, Youtube and some other human social networks. Sam was in his room, trying to manage the pile of cables near the desk. After he had made it, he called Loona. The girl came and saw him holding a guitar.

Sam: Loona, how about playing something... together?

Loona: Playing? But, I can't, never tried to hold a guitar in my life

Sam: Everything can be the first time you know... Wanna try?

Loona: Yea!

Loona smiled at that coincidence, as she wanted to have a guitar lesson as well. She sat next to her teacher and he gave her the second instrument.

Sam: Well, look, basic electro guitar have six strings, they are numbered from the thinnest one, here. These divisions are called frets and every fret made the string to sound higher. Like that:

Sam then played a quick solo on the guitar, making Loona to awe. She liked rock music and solos always sounded cool. After that he explained her basics of guitar music, gave her some information about chords and barre. She enjoyed all that new information and her eyes were shining with inspiration.

When she started playing, Sam noticed she did it good. Of course, there were mistakes, attempts again and again. And nothing surprising, as Loona never tried to play the guitar at least because she had claws in her normal form, they could damage the instrument. After 2 or 3 hours she was able to play simple solos on her guitar. He showed her some guitar tabs and they played several songs in a row, Sam played as a rythm guitar and Loona was solo. They kept great synchronization and both liked their instrumentals.

Loona: Wow! That was amazing!

Loona was breathing fast after the dynamic solo she completed almost without any mistakes.

Sam: Yes, that's for sure! Your solo part is an extremely good one!

Loona: Huh, thanks, you played hard as well, it was like an eruption!

They both laughed, the drive filled the room. Sam turned his head to Loona.

Sam: By the way, do you enjoy rock? I can bet you do!

Loona: Hell yeah! I really like it! Especially when music is fast and change the tone rapidly!

Sam: Huh, yeah, for real.

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum