And just in that moment, Striker found the perfect thing, "One moment." as he opened the window and lassowed the pair of brawling imps and yanked them inside.

"HIRED!" Crimson said with a grin at the glorious sight.

Striker cackled, "Funny to run into you again, Blitzy. And with a famous friend."

"Aw, fuck me. . ." Blitz groaned.

"And for the record, we are not friends!" Fizzarolli spat as he crossed his arms.

As much as Fizzarolli put on a front, he couldn't help but feel anxiety and fear fill his chest. Especially seeing Striker's blade come close to his throat. He could help but tremble a bit at the sight.

I hope Precious and the others are okay. Maybe they went back to the car. . .

Soon after, Ozzie was in a personal meeting with Prince Stolas Goetia. And, in the middle of it, they received a video message of Crimson holding Fizzarolli for ransom. And at the same moment, Precious and the others barged in yapping about at Ozzie's talons, trying to tell him what happened.

Asmodeus was absolutely furious that his little gremlin had been snatched. The one time he goes out on his own, and Ozzie isn't there by his side.

Stolas backed away a bit as his friend's fists went up into flames of rage.

N-No! I can't lose Fizz! I WON'T! I'll do everything I have to in order to bring him back home safe!! Whatever it takes!

Blitz and Fizzarolli were tied up and thrown into a cage that hung high over the ground above the shark goons.

The angsty imp was oddly chill about the situation, but also amused, seeing his former friend wiggle about in his ties like a little worm.

"I just wanna go home. . ." the jester imp cried.

Blitz clicked his tongue, "You want me to get you out?"

"Y-Yes. . ." Fizz was embarrassed to admit to the imp.

The assassin imp then cut himself free with a blade hidden within his boot. He then cut the jester imp free as well.

Fizz was scared for a moment, seeing his former friend with the blade coming right at him. He tightly closed his eyes right as he was cut free.

"The fuck is wrong with you, clown!? Get up!!" Blitz spat as he turned around and got them free of the cage.

Crimson and the rest of his goons showed up and it turned into a massive gun fight. The captive imps ran off to make their escape and find someplace to hide for a bit.

But first, Blitz had to fight through the crowd of goons.

"I DON'T do danger!!" Fizz spat as he coward behind the angsty imp.

"Well, good to know you're still a wimpy circus puss." Blitz spat.

The pair climbed up a ladder, "I'd give you a comeback, but that'd imply I give a shit what you think!" the jester snarked.

"You always cared what I thought!" Blitz said.

H-He's right. . . His opinion was the one that always mattered most to me, but. . .things changed after the incident.

"Ohoho, after what YOU DID TO ME!?" Fizzarolli spat in Blitz's face.

Blitz's angery expression started to falter, "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! It was an accident!!"


I feel like it was only an accident, but. . .was it really? I know he saw me, so why did he just leave. . .? H-He could've helped me. He could've saved me! And then maybe. . .I wouldn't be this damn fucking cyborg freak. . .


"I DID CARE!!" Blitz cried out, "It WAS an accident! IT WAS! - I-I should've done more to help, but I w-was trying! There was so much going on. I was trying to get help for you, Fizz!! I just- but it was still. . .my fault. . ."

Fizz stood there in shock and near disbelief. He was no longer angry, but at the same time, he wasn't sure what to believe in that moment.

"I'm sorry, Fizz. . . I'm so sorry you got hurt. . . I'm sorry for what you lost, and I-I know I can never make that right. . . But you have no idea what I lost in that fire. . . But I know it's my fault. . . An-And I'd hate me too. . . -I mean I do hate- SHIIIIIT!!" A shark goon then cut off the crying imp with a chokehold, but Blitz got him off as the pair took off.

"So, why didn't you try to tell me any of this??" Fizz questioned, "Or even see me? Even once would've been fine!"

"I tried. . . You were all I had left, Fizz. But they told me you didn't wanna see me." Blitz answered.

Fizzarolli appeared confused, "I never told them that?!"

"Bullshit. . . You didn't?" Blitz spat.

"No? And no one told me you came!" Fizz expressed honestly.

Complete realization hit.

"Oooohhh. . ." they said in unison, before another goon appeared.

"WOAH!! CHRIST ON A STICK!! " Blitz shouted as he shot the goon down.


Back with Ozzie, he was going through a contract agreement. Basically, the safe return of Fizzarolli for some factory ownership.

Asmodeus was an impatient demon, but he was willing to give up anything and everything for Fizz to come back home safely in one piece.

Prince Stolas stayed by his side to help him through the paperwork and to try keeping him calm.

Fizzarolli began, "Look, misunderstanding or no, it's hard to just forgive you. It's been fifteen years!! That's so much time. . . But, I guess you didn't really ruin my life."

"What, you're telling me getting BLOWN UP didn't ruin your life!?" Blitz questioned.

"It was painful, and challenging, and you know, FUCK YOU STILL. But, it's not like I'm broken. And I now have someone who understands me, and my life has actually been pretty great." Fizz explained wholeheartedly.

Blitz then actually smiled, "Yeah, that's lovely. . . You got a good thing goin' on with that horny rooster fucker dontcha?"

"Oh yeah, it's been. . .fantastic." Fizz blushed, "UH, 'CUZ YOU KNOW, IT'S A GREAT GIG! An-And HES GOT THE BIGGEST COCK! You know?? LIKE MASSIVE! I mean imagine like THE BIGGEST- JUST A GIANT- HUGE! LIKE A KAIJU! But it's a COCK, ya know what I mean? LIKE A BIG MONSTER! IT'S BIG! IT'S HUGE-" he flustered on.

Blitz then stopped the rambling imp and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it! I'm happy for ya, Fizz."

The imps were then cornered by Crimson, Striker, and the goons, but Blitz wasn't about to go down without a fight. And after Fizz helped put on a distraction, the pair got out home free.

"BYE-BYEEE!!~" Fizzarolli hollered as they jumped out the hole in the wall.

- End of part 10

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