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Mirabel finished the last thing she had been working on and put her sewing things away. She looked over at the other side of the nursery and sighed, she missed Antonio. She began picking things up and tidying her already tidy space, when she heard the door open. She looked up to see Abuela walk in. "Hola Abuela." Alma merely looked at her granddaughter and glared. "I did not come in here for pleasantries. You will be leaving tomorrow. I've found a boy in the village who is willing to marry you, and you will go through with it. After that you will only be allowed back into this house if you have a magical child." With that Abuela leaves. Mirabel stares at the door in shock, before beginning to pack her things. She would tell her family, the ones who wanted her, and see what she could do. Maybe she would be able to avoid marriage, maybe she wouldn't. Hopefully though she would at least be able to stay with her family.
Sorry for the short chapter.

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