Mirabel is a little annoyed

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As Mirabel is marched into the chapel by her future husband she finally snaps. She spins around in his hold and slaps him across the face, "I have told you no. I refuse to marry you, and I'm well aware my familia will agree with me. You are a terrible person, and I will never willingly wed you." Everyone is truly shocked by her reaction, Mirabel would never normally raise a hand to anyone. Abuela walks up to her and slaps her across the face, "How dare you. You will marry him, as no one cares about you. We will all be better off without you. You should have died at birth, at least marrying him will be useful." Mirabel's eyes glow gold for a moment and with it the voice from earlier is back, "Alma, I cannot believe you. You of all people should have backed her up. You are not the woman I married." With those words out of her mouth Mirabel I'd back to normal, she shakes her head before saying quietly, "Slap me all you want, I won't marry him. I'd rather marry Mariano, and he is sooo not my type. If you still can't understand I'll spell it out for you. I do not love him, I am in love with someone else. I'm not ready for marriage, nor am I willing to force myself into one." Finally the family turns to leave, but instead her husband to be forced her to the priest. With one look at Alma he begins the ceremony. He skips over the majority of the ceremony and gets right to the I do's. " Do you Miguel take Mirabel to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." "And do you Mirabel take Miguel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do not." The priest looks at her sadly before saying, "By the power vested in me, and at the request of Alma Madrigal, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." As Miguel leans in for a kiss, a vicious smirk on his lips, Mirabel punches him square in the nose. His nose begins bleeding and she walks away. Isabella shoots vines out to grab her and keep her from leaving, but Mirabel merely dodges around them. She leaves her family in the chapel, and reenters Casita. She immediately heads to Dolores's room, knowing she will not be heard while inside. After which she waits... She would not allow this to stand, and judging by the candles flickering, neither would it.

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