Sibling Sleepover

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Mirabel smiled as her Tia and tio left the room. They were going to sleep in their own room, but the warm children would be sleeping in Camille's. Mirabel was excited to have siblings that cared, even if she wasn't sure it would last. After all, if her mother and father didn't want her why would her Tia and tio? Still, she smiled as she layer down on the floor by Antonio. Dolores and Camilo were on either side, they were getting ready for bed and so they could get up early. Abuela probably wouldn't approve if she found them all sleeping in the same room, so it would be safer to wake up early and go to their respective rooms. Of course Antonio would be escorted to his parents room, since he was moved out of the e nursery. Mirabel layer down and closed her eyes, she fell into a fitful sleep and woke up after only a few hours. She jumped up off the floor and walked over to a mirror. She looked at herself, searching her face for any difference. Her nightmare had involved her getting a gift, except it was a repeat of Camilo's. She couldn't stop shifting and of course her new adopted family were yelling at her for stealing his gift. Mirabel couldn't see a difference though so it was fine. It was just a dream, she didn't get a gift and she wouldn't be abandoned again. She sighed softly and reminded her self that it wasn't the first dream and it wouldn't be the last. She shrugged and laid back down by Camilo, she closed her eyes and fell back asleep. She would worry about her family in the morning, for now she would sleep.

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