First Day at the Academy

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Time skip; after reaching home
Your POV

"Ok guys, I'm going to go ahead and shower. Is that ok with you all?"I asked Will and Nico. "Yeah!" Will, "Sure, I'm after though!" Nico says, wihtout hesitation. "Ok Nico!" Will responds, "Not if I get there first..." he mumbles. After everyone was done and showered I made a little second dinner for everyone. "Hope you enjoy it! I made a little something from our own world, hope you don't mind it guys!"  I said because it wasn't much and it sure as heck wasn't the best but it was a little reminder of where we came from.

"Are you kidding me? This is the best Pizza that I've had in a while, and I'm Italian!" Nico says with gusto. "I agree! This is really good, thanks Y/n!" Will adds on. I smile happy that someone appreciates my cooking. "Well I'm glad because it's not going to not happen very often." I say, still smiling.  "Ok! Are we ready for tomorrow?" Will asks. "Nope, but we're going to act like we are ok!?" I say with a mouth full of pizza.

In the Morning

"WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!!!" Will wakes us up on the first day with excited rays of sunshine. "Ughhhhh..." I groan. "Why are we up this early again?" I ask. "It's our first day at the academy, remember?" Nico almost yells as he jumps out of bed. "Oh! Yeah!" I yell jumping out of bed to get into my new outfit that I had picked out just for this. "Ok, are we ready to head out of that door?" Will asks, as level headed as always. "YES!" Nico and I yell at the same time.

As we were walking out the door I realized that there was the package by the door. "Oh look! There's a package there! Let's see what's inside." I said as I took the package into my hands and opened it up. "There's Konoha headbands in there." Nico says. "Oh look there's a note. It says, 'Dear Y/n, Nico and Will,  I know I already said this but you guys are Jonins and here are your headbands.' Oh cool!" I read off of the note. "We just won't wear them until graduation, got it?" Nico says.

At the Academy

"OH my goodness! I can't believe that we're actually here!!" "I know right!" Nico responds to me. "Ok guys calm down!" Will says. 'Will looks like he's done with our crap.' I hadn't realized it but I let out a giggle. "What's so funny Y/n?" Will asks. "Huh?" "You giggled." he responds. "Oh..." I say as we finally walk through the academy doors. "Hey! What are you kids doing out here?! You're supposed to be in class right now!" I heard someone yell.

As soon as we all look over to where we hear the voice coming from, we see a mad Iruka–sensei coming straight for us. "Ah! Sorry sir! We are new and we are just barely finding our way around. We don't even know what classes we are in." We all say parts of it while bowing over and over again. Nico almost hit his head on the floor. "Oh! I'm sorry. You guys are the new kids that the Hokage talked about." Iruka said.

"You guys are in my class." He smiled adn started walking away. We followed hom because we didnt' want to get even more lost in this school. "Ok, we're here! I'll call you guys in so just wait here for me ok?" Iruka says to us before turning around and walking into the classroom. "We should be listening just incase he calls for us adn we don't hear it." Nico says, trying to calm his nerves. "Good idea Nico!" Will says. 'Huh! Lovebirds!' Just then Iruka calls us into the room. "Ok first thing today is that we have three new students that are goingt o be joining us from this point forward and I want you guys to try to be nice to them. Ok? Alright you guys can come in!" As he finishes speaking we all pile into the room.

"These are our new students. While they introduce themselves I want you guys to be nice and respectful ok?" Iruka says, glaring at the class. 'He seems like he already knows of our predicament, I;m gad because that means that I won't have to hide anything from him.' I thought to myself. "My name is Nico DiAngelo." Nio briefly introduces. "I'm Will Solace!" Will is next he's beaming like the ray of sunshine that he is. "I'm Y/n L/n. NIce to meet you all! I just hope that you guys know that we are not pushovers." At the end I glare at them a little, or a lot. Heck I think I even saw Iruka–sensei shiver. "HEY!" I hear, and when I go to see who said it, I see our loveable little blond doofus.

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