Chapter 1

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I wake up to someone knocking on my door I opened my eyes to see mommy standing there with the door opened, "good morning birthday girl" mommy said as she walked over to the window and open it. "Now breakfast is almost done now get ready ok?" Mommy said but asked as well, Once Mommy left the room I got up and out of bed before walking to my mirror.

I looked at my mess hair and my light purple and blue PJ, I grab my outfit for the day before walking to the bathroom. I took off my clothes as the shower water heated up, 'what are we doing today' I thought to myself. 'Oh right it is my 17th birthday today' I added to my thoughts, "Come on big sis I need a shower as well" my little sister yelled out.

I got out of the shower and changed into my outfit before walking out of the room, "finally now I can have a shower" she said as I walked downstairs. I stopped at the last step to see my mother on the phone with my uncle Charlie Swan I think, my father is Matthew Swan.

But Raven started call dad Matty at times to the point when it annoyed him a lot, I started a bit after Raven and after that mom started to do it too. "Violet Sweetheart are you ready for the day" she asked me, Once she end the call with Uncle "Yeah I'm ready where's Dad" I asked her. she turn around to the office room and eyed the office room, "Oh yes work again" I said as mom giggled at me.

Both Mommy and I was waiting on Father and little sister to come down the stairs and out of the office, I watched the clock until finally after an hour little sister walked down the stairs. But a minute after she sat down Dad finally leave the office and join us at the table for breakfast, "I didn't mean to take that long my kids and wife" Dad said "it's fine dear just remember we are eat at this time" Mommy said.

After that we all started to eat our breakfast "so Violet  we was talking about sending you to your uncle home for a few weeks after the Zoo trip" father said, "Oh can I know the reason or?" I questioned "well both of us want you to get to know them more after all it's been a while" Mommy said.

"It's only been 5 years," I said as Raven shake her head at something before eyeing Mom and Dad to see if she needs to go as well, "don't worry Raven will go as well" Mom said as Raven looked Dad for an answer. "Yes Raven will be go as well" Dad said eyeing Raven to not ask questions "But Mom my life is here why do I have to go" Raven asked Mom, "because it will be better for you to meet new people and get to know Bella better" Mom said.

"But for now let's finished breakfast and go to the Zoo" Dad said as everyone eat until we finally finished eating and cleared up the kitchen, After that we got out of the car and walked up to the front of the Zoo doors. Once dad pay for us to get in, We walked around the zoo to see all of the animals for the A to Z of all animals we can think of. Until finally it was about 9 am we got to the Zoo at about 7 am, We walked out of the Zoo and got back into the car.

Dad took us to a place theme park and payed for the tickets, Once we walked into my best friend named Sarah was waiting for us there. "Hey there Birthday girl" she said as we hugged, "Don't ever say that again" I said as mom giggled at us "Come on you two" Dad said as we enjoyed the themes that the park had. Until it was about closing time we got into the car, "I will have to ask Sarah dear but is your mother pick you up after dinner" Mom asked her.

"No Mom said she will stay back late mainly because called in sick today" Sarah said Sarah's mother was a single mother to one kid, But my parents help Sarah's mother in every way they can. Sarah's mother was happy for help mainly because Sarah got a friend out of it, We stopped in front a nice looking place to eat. We chatted for hours until Dad looked at clock, "well let's finish eating" he said as we all nodded finish up with the chocolate cake.

"Alright" dad said as we all left the place and into the car. "First stop Sarah's house" dad said we slowly left the carpark and onto the road with some cars, Once we was about 5 blocks away from Sarah's house. All I heard was mom "Matty watch out" she said before everything turned into black.

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