39) Lucifer's rebellion

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~~~~~RECAP; Melanie was captured by the heavens and locked up in Sun palace according to Laziem's wishes. Hades was asked to stay away from Melanie by the Watchers or it'd be bye-bye for him. So he took Laziem's deal and opted to go back to the underworld. He feels it's a better way out to forget Melanie and go on with his long life. ~~~~~~


        Not powerful enough.
Not strong enough for a rebellion against the heavens or even be equals with Melanie.

This self awareness was more cruel than anything I had felt. But I had felt too little to differentiate if it was positive or negative.

The wind brushed my face, making my hair dance wildly behind me as I flew through the underworld.
    All I could see was the overflowing miasma clouding the air. Raw energy that only Hesphone could have absorbed to strengthen herself. Other yin creatures also had the ability to absorb it, but there was a limit to how much their mortal bodies could take in.
While I, I could not dare absorb it directly for it would throw my body in an unstable state and that would be terrible for me.

        If only, if only I had the capability to take it in, I'd extremely powerful. For yin was more stronger than yang due to the low number of deities it had created.

    "My Lord?" A shout came from the right side. It sounded so much like...Alice.

   I halted midair and looked through the miasma fog surrounding me from every direction to finally spot her flying straight to me. Her hair was now the normal beautiful shade of purple, floating behind her to the speed she was flying.

I frowned when my keen eyes took in the blood all over her clothes. Her left arm had deep cuts all over, indicating that she had just battled with someone. Someone powerful.

   "My Lord." She heaved as she came to an unstable stop before me.

One look at her and I felt how she was depleted of her power.

  Without any more hesitation, I dashed forward and swung her in my arms before vanishing from midair to appear down below on the ground.
Careful of her wounds, I placed Alice on the grass with her head resting on my lap.

     "Tell me, what happened?"

"It's Lucifer. He wants to take the throne." Alice let out using forced strength.

   "Shh! That's enough. I'll take care of the rest." I assured her.

I knew what had to be done.


House arrest.
That's what it was.

   It had been three long days. And all I had done was eat, sleep and stare out through the windows to admire the magnificent view of the heavens.
This was truly the paradise every religion talked about. That every soul desired.

And yet, I didn't feel right being here.
   Something in my soul was amiss.

While everything seemed so perfect, so extraordinary, I still felt that I belonged somewhere else. And the feeling had grown extremely deep in the last two days.
Laziem hadn't come to see or question me regarding my crimes. Nor had he sent anyone.
  I had no idea where or what they had done to my Hades. But I hoped he was fine or they'd pay dearly.

      I sighed, sulking at the view before me.
Was this what eternity would be for me?

My mind raced, filled with a thousand question. When suddenly, my vision blurred for a while. I heard my heartbeats, like they were all that existed around me.
    "My Queen?" Someone called. "My Queen?"

"Who, who's calling?" I cried whipping around in the darkness.

    "It's me, Michael." The voice answered. "You cannot see me for we're worlds apart and heavens has blocked anyone from the underworld coming there."

Oh damn!
The man that had summoned me when the hellhounds had been about to devour him.

   I always wondered where he vanished to all this time, alongside the brutal hounds.

  "What is it? Why do you-"

"There is a battle in this realm." He answered in a shaky tone.  "Lucifer wants to overtake the throne."

  Lucifer. That name. It hit deep, and not Lucifer the devil from the religious stories they spoke of on earth. His name just made my soul quake with a strange rage.

"But, where's Hades?"

   "He...he...he is too unstable to do anything. I saw his subordinates bring him back in an unconscious state. He absorbed too much miasma."

None of it was making sense.
   Laziem. Damn right.
He would have a solution to this problem.
After all, the king of hell was one of the gods.

    "I'll go find Lazie-"

"I'm afraid he won't be of any help my Queen. He cannot enter the underworld."

   "Shit!" I cursed feeling bitter about my lack of knowledge. "What, what do you want me to do?"

   "Come, home." He uttered.

My breathing slowed as his words sunk in.

   "Home?!" I muttered.

*****Check out my new book; Enchanted Bloods if you're a sea lover. Mermaid love. Siren lover.

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