12) An ice spirit

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*****I'll try and upload the photos one in each coming part... Hopefully Wattpad won't do me dirty again***

Something cold stirred me from my sleep. It felt like a hand, but colder than any ice I've ever felt. It touched my wrist, then my cheek, pushing me to finally open my eyes.

As my vision steadied, I saw a human, no. She wasn't human even though she looked partly like one. Her skin was covered by scales, and her eyes were completely white which matched her hair and skin. She looked like a ghost that had just been resurrected.

My heart wanted to make a run for it, but I reminded it that it was needed for me to survive. So instead of leaving my body, my soul did.

I fainted for a few seconds, till the cold hand caressed my cheek again.

As my consciousness snapped back, I saw the monster still seated on the bed with her hand on my face.
The room was so cold that I could see my own breaths.

"Did I dist-"
I let out one powerful scream that would have been enough to deafen her. That was, if she was human.

But she just smiled before edging closer as if to examine me keenly. "I'm sorry for waking you."

The intense fear had struck me numb. Unable to move even an inch. "This is just a dream," I whispered when I could no longer bear the weight of my insanity. And yet, the monster remained there.

"My name is Heni." She introduced.

"I'm dreaming!" I yelled shutting my eyes to make the dream go away.

"I don't know why...but you feel powerful. I wanted to kill you when I came in the room but now I can't. I apologized." Her words were slow and lacked any emotions
They sounded like a clone speaking.

"Are you a deusa?"

"A what?" I asked opening my eyes. Maybe accepting my distorted mental state was the only way to live.

"A goddess."

I could only frown. How bad had my brain been fried?

"You seem troubled. What is it?"
Even though she wasn't human, she did look pretty and different. Monsters can be charming, or so the books said.

"Are you real?"

She nodded, then stood up, letting me gaze upon her naked body which was as pale as milk. "I'm Heni, an ice spirit. I prey on other creatures' emotions. I was drawn here by a strange light."

I had also seen it. So it was all real.

I sat up hastily and crawled away from her.

"Does my appearance disgust you?"

"You sa-said you wanted to k-kill me?"

"Oh! The room smelled of miasma. I thought you were a demon."

At this point, my head wanted to explode. I felt like like a toddler again being taught things. Only this time, whatever this strange creature was teaching me, wasn't of my understanding.

"What is your name?"

"Melanie!" I answered quickly. Maybe she would leave me when she had all the answers.

"I won't harm you, Melanie," Heni assured taking a step back. "I can smell the fear leaking from you. Do you need me to suck it out of-"

"Don't!" I cried backing even further against the headboard.

Where were my brothers when I needed them?

Heni's head turned to the door, just as I picked up the smell of something rotting.
The pungent smell made me gag almost immediately.
"What is that?" I questioned covering half my face with the t-shirt I was wearing.

"A demon," Heni answered. "Just like me, the light caught the attention of so many creatures; demons, spirits, condemned, shifters."

*****3rd POV*****

A small smile tugged the corner of Hades' lips while he stared at the koala plushie floating in front of him.

"Gimme!" The adorable voice of a child cried, bringing him back to reality.

The four-year-old girl jumped, trying to grab her toy but Hades continued playing with her. "I'll tell Daddy." She declared frowning at a seated Hades.

Almost immediately, Beelzebub materialized alongside his female companion, Alice.

"Daddy!" The little girl called running towards her parents.

The two first bowed at Hades before Alice picked up her child. "Have you been bothering our liege?"

"Hm!" The girl fumed crossing arms on her chest. "He took my toy."

Beelzebub signaled Alice to take their youngling away. And when they had the lounge to themselves, the demon general walked to stand before Hades who was still playing with the plushie.

"My Lord."

Hades' eyes tore from the toy and unto Beelzebub. There was a deathly darkness in the black pair, instilling fear even in the most formidable of hell's generals.

"Castor, Orm, Loki, and Axle are indeed in the mortal realm. It was one of them that released the signal after Axle was wounded."

Suddenly, Hades' curiosity was poked.
He glanced at Beelzebub with a questioning spark in his eyes, which his general understood quite clearly.
"I still haven't traced what or who attacked him."

"They raised a human?"

Beelzebub nodded. "She's a student in your class. Melanie."

Hades huffed. He'd have blamed fate for such coincidences, but fate never affected deities. But his interest now was piqued. Why would gods raise a human?
What was special about Melanie other than her craziness?

He had decided, he'd have his share of fun with her with her deluded mind till he got bored and moved on to something else. His job was simple, await Zariel's death and retire back to hell.

1) Hades(Aldric)

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