5) A coming goddess

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****3rd POV****

The four gods; Castor, Loki, Orm, and Axle drank wine as they chatted. There was so much to do and little time. Their mission was proving more difficult than they had thought.

"Could he be related to the goddess about to come into existence?" Orm wondered.

Loki only frowned deeper. If only Ava, the goddess of time had given them more details regarding this mission. For over four decades, they had traveled from country to country, searching for this new celestial being about to exist. But so far, they had nothing.
All Ava said was that the new goddess needed to be guided to the path of light lest she be corrupted by the darkness lurking in the underworld.

Darkness so evil that even Hades himself had vanished from the face of the earth heavens and the underworld. For a hundred years, the underworld had remained kingless. And no other god or goddess attempted to enter it. The miasma leaking from the abyss was poisonous to even the most powerful of the Celestial rulers. Only Hades had the ability to absorb it without being harmed, or so they thought.

"Whether he is, or not, we need to find out why he interfered with Mel's memories," Castor stated firmly staring at the near space before him.

Axle slammed his glass on the table. "Shit! Where the fuck is that goddess? Why make things so damn difficult for us?"

Loki darted his glare at Axle.
"You were not easy to find when you became a god." He blasted him, and then glanced at Castor. "Looks like one of us will have to enroll in her school."

"I'll go!" Orm volunteered.

The other three fixed their eyes on him, taken aback. Orm never liked interfering with humans, Melanie was by far, the only one he could tolerate.
Orm came into existence in the heavens, unlike Axle who was once a human that then ascended into godhood. For this reason, Orm's experience with humans was shallow and lacking.

"Are you sure?" Loki asked with his left eyebrow raised.

Orm chuckled, lightening up the gloomy air between all of them.

"This intruder might be from the underworld who's here to corrupt the coming goddess. Knowing his motive will help us understand. The cabinet assigned only the four of us. No other gods should be amongst the humans."

Castor breathed reclining back on his wooden chair.

"All we need to figure out is how to get you in," Loki stated drawing his gaze on his glass.

There was a moment of silence as they racked their minds, thinking of legit ways for Orm to get in.
As far as god-human interaction could go, the cabinet forbade gods from using their power to interrupt the human matrix. They had had to ask permission to place the protective shield in Melanie's mind just to protect their identities.

But whoever had added another barrier in her memories was not from the heavens, that, was for sure.

***Glad you're following the story. ❤️❤️❤️***

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