10 Seconds

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Lol, sorry for cliff hanger. I felt like being a troll. I can't belive this is getting so many reads, and votes! Holy crap! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! LOVE YOU BETAS SOOOOOOO MUCH!

Btw, not really smut, just petting (everything leading up to, but not including sex) so, yeah, this is your warning! Read at your own discretion


-Evan's p.o.v-

Johnathan practically dragged me into the room and slammed the door shut. The lights were off and I could barely see anything.

He locked the door and shoved me onto the ground. I heard a him undo a clasp and something clatter to the ground.

I felt pressure on my waist and lips pressed against mine. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck, bringing him impossibly closer.

He licked my bottom lip, asking for intrance. I smirked and denied. He bit my lip, yet I still denied.

He growled and and palmed me through my pants. That sent me over the edge. I moaned and he took his chance, shoving his tongue into my mouth.

He explored my wet cavern with his tongue, leaving no place untouched. While he did that I fumbled with the zipper on his jeans.


He slapped my hands away and pinned them above my head. "Did I say you could touch me?" He growled. I shook my head and shivered. 'What the fuck happened to him!' I thought internally.

He moved down to my neck and started kissing up and down it. I moaned and bucked my hips against his. He chuckled and moved a hand back to my crotch.

"Well, someone's eager." He mumbled and moved down to my belt. Just as he got the buckle undone, someone knocked on the door. "I have a key to this room. I'm giving you thirty seconds to do whatever you gotta do, then I'm opening the door, got it?"

Mini's muffled voice came through the door. Johnathan jumped off me and fumbled around for something. "What are you looking for?" I whispered. "My mask." He whispered back.

I patted around the ground until my hand hit something hollow. "Here!" I handed it to him, and he strapped it back on just as Mini opened the door.

"Heeeeey! Noice hickey Evan!" Wildcat yelled from the couch. I glared at him and grabbed Johnathan's hand.

"Hey, where are we going?" He asked as I dragged him up the stairs. "You're finishing what you started." I stated plainly as I opened door after door, looking for an empty room.

After I finally found one I threw him in it. "Uh, Evan?" He backed up until his back hit a wall. I took my dad's little, package out of my pocket. "I almost threw this out. I'm happy I didn't."

I put it back and smirked at Jon. "Look, if you think you're topping, you gotta 'nother thing coming man." He said and crossed his arms. "Oh yeah?"

I pinned him against the wall, hands above his head, my clearly defined, um, problem, pressed against his.

I immediately attacked his neck, his mask pressing into my forehead. "Fuck, Evan." He hissed as I bit and sucked on his neck. "Say it again." I whispered in his ear.

I don't know how, but he wormed his way free and flipped us around. But this time, I was facing the wall. It was like the first time I met him, except he had a boner pressed against my ass.

"No bitch, you say my name." I moan and complied. "Johnathan~" 'Where the fuck did that come from!' He reached around an undid my pants, which I had neglected to buckle back, and pulled them down.

(Guys, I can't stop laughing. Like, what the fuck am I writing right now. Damn.)

He let me turn around and I unzipped his hoodie and basically tore off his shirt. I unclasped his mask and let it hit the floor.

I finally get to see that beautiful face again. I ran a finger over his many scars. He winced when I touched the burn. I kissed it lighly and smiled at him. He smiled back and kissed me in the same place that his scar was.

We continued to undress each other until we were both in our boxers. He went over to the bed that was in the corner of the room and sat down. I straddled his waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss.

He laid down, and I was still on top. I would've said something, but that would've ruined the moment. "Don't think I didn't notice you were on top." He smirked up at at me, causing me to chuckle.

-Johnathan's p.o.v-

I hooked my fingers in the elastic of his boxers, pulling them down slowly. He bit his lip and held in a moan. Dammit, he so fucking sexy!

I got it down to about halfway, when suddenly a scream tore through the air. He looked up and at the door.

'There's no way, right?' I pushed him off and pulled on my pants. I grabbed my shirt and hoodie and mask and put those on as well.

"Look, just stay here, alright? I'll be back." I told him and started to open the door. "Fuck that! I'm coming too!" He said as he hopped around, trying to pull on his pants.

I chuckled and waited for him to put on the rest of his clothes. We left the room and noticed it was awfully quite. Also, everyone was gone.

The music had shut off, the lights were off as well. "What happened?" Evan asked as we walked down the stairs. I shrugged and pulled my trusty knife out of my pocket.

"Woah woah, where'd you get a knife!" He quietly yelled. I shrugged again and kept walking. "Oh, hi Delirious." The lights flipped on, and we spun around. There was Chilled, holding a knife up to Mini's neck. Tyler was being held by Sark, who had a pistol to his head.

"Chilled! Sark! What the fuck man!" I yelled and pointed at Mini. "Let them go!" I yelled. He shook his head. "Sorry, can't. Sadly Mr. Fong, the deadline' been pushed, and we need an answer now."

I looked over at Evan. He glared at Chilled, then looked at Mini, who was looking between the three of us like we were all insane. "I-I'll join. Just let them go, please."

Chilled smirked and nodded to Sark. They shoved them to the ground and grabbed Evan's arm. "Now, this is gonna hurt a bit." I turned away as he carved something into his arm. He didn't scream or anything, unlike me when they did it. I screamed like a bitch.

"There, now you won't forget. It's just temporary, I'm pretty sure you've seen the official one." Sark patted Evan's head and walked out of the house, Chilled following close behind.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked. "I wouldn't worry about us." Mini said, pointing somewhere. I followed his hand and saw a lot of blood, black hair, and pale skin. "D-david, please get up." His girlfriend was shaking him, tears streaming down her face and her hands covered in his blood.

"Call an ambulance. Hurry!" Evan barked at Mini. He went over to her and kneeled down beside her. "He's gonna make it, don't worry." He said. She turned and sobbed into his chest.

'This is all my fault.'


YAY! DAVID'S DEAD! I mean, what? He's not dead, maybe....... I hope you guys enjoyed what was kinda smut, but really not. I didn't wanna go into detail, but if I did then blame my English teacher, she taught me too well.

If you enjoyed this chapter then slap dat vote button. If you upset then yell at me in the comments.

This is Icewolf1208, signing off!



Have a beautiful time!

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