2 Seconds

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-Evan's p.o.v-

My heart felt like it was gonna fly out of my chest. 'H-he's right there.' We just stared into each others eyes. After what felt like hours he walked away. I let put the breath I was holding and went into my room. 'Who the hell was that guy!'

-Delirious' p.o.v-

'What the hell am I doing!' I clawed at my hair. 'I followed him home! I'm such a stalker!' I hit myself in the face, er, mask. 'There goes the one chance I had of talking to him.'

I continued to beat myself up as o walked back to my house. I unlocked the door and tackled in a hug my mom. "Jonathan Ross Dennis where have you been!"

(No idea what his name actually is, but a lot of people use Jonathan for his first and Dennis for his last, so I figured if might as well.)

I hugged her back. I understand her worry. We lost my little brother, Brock, a couple months ago.

He was only 14, 3 years younger than me when someone just stole him. Just snatched him right in front of me. It fucked me up something fierce. It affected my parents worse.

After my brother was gone, my dad left too. Blamed it on me and left.

"Johnny, answer me!" She let me go and crossed her arms. "The bus ran outta gas and it took the driver a while to get some."

My lie slid easily off my tongue. She smiled softly and nodded. "Okay, go upstairs and wash up for dinner, okay?"

I nodded and walked up the stairs, sliding my hand up the banister. I opened my door and flopped down on my bed.

'Why did I follow that guy home? Maybe I should visit him tonight?' I thought to myself, recalling I haven't gone out in a while.

'Yeah, I think I'll pay him a visit tonight.' A smirk wormed its way on my face. "Jonathan, I don't hear water!" My mom yelled upstairs. I groaned and turned on the shower.

-Evan's p.o.v-

I don't know how long I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling, but when I looked out my window, it was turning dark.

"Wow, I just spent hours staring the ceiling, not even eating, showering, or anything else for that matter."

I groaned as I sat up. I scratched at my hair and smacked my lips. "Imma make a sandwich." I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. All the lights were off and it started to rain. Lighting and thunder followed soon after.

I opened the fridge and took out all the ingredients for the perfect sandwich. I sat at the table and made my sandwich.

Lighting cracked across the sky, throwing a humanoid shadow in front of me. I jumped and shot backwards.

"Oh God!" I whispered placed my hand over heart. "What was that?" I looked out the window and saw......


I sighed and went back to my sandwich. Just as I was about to take a bite, something snatched it out of my hand.

"W-what?" I mumbled, dumbfounded. A clatter came from the other side of the kitchen. "Who's there!" I shouted. I slammed the lights on.

"You!" The guy from earlier, sitting on my counter, eating my sandwich. His mask was lifted just enough to show his mouth, was had a smirk plastered on it.

"A hello would be nice."


Alright, that's good. This is Icewolf1208, signing off!


Have a beautiful time!

Happy Mothers Day!

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