His brother was trying to extinguish the flames with his ice, but they were melting fast against the rising heat.

"Blaze, stop! Please!"

Another laugh escaped him as he summoned his chakrams and threw them at his brother, 

"I don't follow orders from the likes of you!"

A wall of ice appeared in front of the other, deflecting the chakrams, and Blaze was about to throw more fire balls when he caught sight of his reflection.

A wall of ice appeared in front of the other, deflecting the chakrams, and Blaze was about to throw more fire balls when he caught sight of his reflection

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It was like all air had left him when he saw the familiar silver hair framing his face & red scarlet eyes staring right back at him.

He opened his mouth to scream-







"-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Blaze sat up unable to hold back the terror he felt as fear and horror consumed him.

His throat was on fire, and pain pulsed in his head and torso, making him curl forward in response.

That dream... no- it was a memory. A memory from the original timeline when he and Tanah refused to talk to each other after that vacation on earth.

But the last part never happened. He and Ice had argued a bit as he did accuse his brother of taking Tanah's side, but all he did was walk out after that.

So... what the heck was with that dream?!

He was then aware of the wires and IV tube attached to him and was about to reach out to pull them off when the sound of a door slamming open made him pause just for a moment.

"He's... he's awake...!" Came a stunned voice.

As if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

But Blaze ignored whoever it was and grabbed for the IV line before yanking it off, causing the person to yell out in panic, "Api! NO! Get a doctor! Now!"

Blood immediately poured out from his arm where the IV had been attached and he was about to remove the other wires attached to him when a hand grabbed his and another pressed a cloth against his bleeding elbow.

The grip was firm but... warm.

He looked up to see a familiar face... it was Tanah. 

A sharp pain stabbed through his skull and his brother's panicked look was replaced by a familiar sadistic smirk. He was about to pull away, but the other's hold remained tight as if he was expecting this reaction.

"You're safe, Api. It's me... Tanah." He watched as those eyes- red-rimmed with dark bags- filled up with tears almost immediately, "You're okay- you're going to be okay- I'm here and- and I'll make sure you're going to be alright."

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