Chapter 2 The Magic day

Start from the beginning

Rowdy then signed *Hello, nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends.*

Daniel just looked at Rowdy confused as he had no clue on what he said as he doesn't know a thing about Sign language.

"Um... can someone translate what he said?" Daniel requested.

"I can, he said. "Hello, nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends." Ed explained.

"Oh, alright, well it's nice to meet you too Rowdy. I hope we can become friends too." Daniel said.

Rowdy smiled at that, he then signed *Hey, I'm hungry. Can we grab a bite to eat?*

"He asked if we could get something to eat." Ed translated.

"Why not? I'm down to eat anytime." Josh said while smiling.

"Let's go grab some pizza, I'm craving some of that and some garlic knots." Hannah said.

The group all nodded and headed off to a nearby pizza shop to grab a bite to eat.

Meanwhile in the shadow realm, Lucifer was sitting on his throne waiting for John and Jack to tell him their grand plan. They had said it would help them all find a host for Craindre. While he was skeptical about it, he didn't have anyone else giving him a plan, so he'd decided to see what the two brothers had to say. He didn't have anything else aside from time to lose so he decided to just hear what they had to say. The two brothers soon entered the throne room through the big black wood door, with a red metal frame. They walked up to the bottom step of the stairs that led up to the royal family thrones and bowed down to Lucifer.

"Our king, it's so nice to see you awake after all this time. I assume you're strong enough to invade Earth Correct?" Jack asked.

"Not yet, I still need more time to rest and regain more of my strength." Lucifer explained.

"Aww that's sad." Jack said.

"Well your highness I'm sure you'll become as strong as you were again soon. But for now I believe we found a suitable host for Craindre." John explained.

"Oh and who is that? This better be good as I have more important things to do aside from listening to you two." Lucifer growled at the two brothers.

He was mostly growling at Jack, whom he was still angry at for offering to marry his daughter who was too young for him.

"Well there's this girl at the Rainbow Squads school who hates the Red Squad. We believe that she'll be a perfect host for Craindre." Jack explained.

"Oh? And who is this girl?" Lucifer asked as Jack's words caught his attention like a fish on a hook.

"Her name is Clare and she apparently loved the Green squad. Unfortunately he broke her itty bitty little heart, as he was dating the Red squad." John explained Mocking Clare's broken heart.

"Hmm, I see, humans like that are often the most easily manipulated." Lucifer stated.

He then went into deep thought and rubbed his chin a bit as he started thinking. He then looked down to the two brothers and said, "Alright you boys work on having that girl become their host."

The two brothers smiled at this and they left the throne room. Once they left the room, they went to the lab where Craindre was kept in. They soon arrived at a black door with red letters that read "Science lab, unless you want to be a test subject, KNOCK!" Jack laughed at the warning. Then without a care about his safety or health, he wrapped his red strings around the door and ripped it off its hinges.

The scientist who was working in the lab screamed when the door was suddenly gone from its frame. When he looked to see who had ripped the door out, he groaned to see the two brothers.

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