He can’t believe he just did that again _attempting to commit suicide_ His family will be so ashamed of him even Jungkook will be.

He breaths out, lying down on the sandy ground and staring up at the sky.

“Am stupid, right?” He asked. “Aunt… I know I should still be mad at you right now…but I need your help… what do you mean about going to the heart of the palace? I’m very confused…please… help me out. Please…”





“What did you get?” Liam asked, as soon as Soo hopped into the car.

“Nothing.” She answered.

He furrowed his brows, confused. “What do you mean by nothing?”

“Listen, I’m pretty confused here. If Lisa isn’t the owner to the necklace then how come was she wearing it in the picture?”

“How am I suppose to know that? Maybe it’s Eva that killed Hwasa and not Lisa. Maybe she tried to make Lisa the suspect.” Liam suggested.

“But right after that incident…Lisa got another necklace…she had requested for a silver but they got only the gold one so she had no choice but to get it. Why do you think she did that?”

“Maybe she wanted to have that same necklace. Maybe she liked it and wanted one of her own.” He shrugged.

“We need to speak to Hyunjin.”


She sighed. “There is something he must know if Eva is really the killer.”

“Why does it feel like you don’t think Eva was the one who killed Hwasa and the guard?” Liam asked, turning on the ignition.

“I think someone is framing her for it, Liam.” She replied after hesitating.





“Why are you just telling me about this place, Jungkook?” Namjoon asked, feigning hurt.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, coming out of the car alongside Namjoon. “I didn’t know about this place either. Lily told me.”

“Wow. When did you and Lily become this close?” Namjoon teased, walking down the pathway to the doorstep of the house.

“Just shut up, man. Now is not the time to have fun or say shit, okay?”

“Can you be any less serious?”

“No. Until I find this fucking murderer and get assured that…” His voice trailed off.

“And get assured that he’s safe.” Namjoon said, completing Jungkook’s sentence.


“Minnie. You are worried about him.” He said.

Jungkook shook his head in denial. “I’m not. And stop talking about stuff like that and let’s get back to the real deal here.” He said just as they arrived at the doorstep. “Do you think she’s still alive?

“There’s only one way to find out, man.” Namjoon responded, urging Jungkook to knock.



“Where are the kids, Ann?”

“I guess they are in their rooms, ma’am.” Ann answered.

“Have you called them out for dinner?”

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