gio in his delulu era

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Gio was always insecure about how big his dick was it wasn't 2 inches it was 1 inch...

"Why is my dick Soo small🥺" he sad in the mirror whele in surprise mirror talked back

"Thets bc your mom was your grandmother" let me explain gios dad had afare white his wife's mom so then his wifes mom (gios greandma) got pregnant

"Ik ik but I have two small pineses I'd rather have one and big"

"Thets too bad bae" at thet second he realizes thet he is talking to a mirror.

"Fuck I'm crazy"

"You think?" Merore sad sarcasticly

"for you😜, ah um What's your gender?"


"How old are you"


"Do you have a bf?"

"No,what are those questions?!"

"Will you marry me?"

"Who the fuck?"

"You '☠️' "

"I hate thet emoji "


"who the fuck do you think I am Dali? Hell nah dumbass bich "

"Why not?🥺💔"

"first of all eww, second IM A FUCKING MERORE IDIOTIC BICH


gio and LukaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum