"For us?" She asks. "When you get back to your rooms you'll find a V-Pad, V-Pod, V-Pods, and Voughtify speakers and a V-brator personal massager, which is technically what it is, but you can use it any way you want, yas queens." My mouth opens and closes a little weirder out they just gave me a vibrator and confused as to why they gave us all this tech.

"Not to sound ungrateful or anything but...why?" I ask confused as fuck. "I mean I'm number eight and she's number two." Marie points out. "Rankings are based on a careful analysis of talent, skill, brand awareness, and social mentions. You two fucking own twitter right now." He explains. "#BlackGirlMagic #hopemikaelsondoppleganger" "for what?" She asks.

"For fighting Golden Boy." "Oh fuck. Actually that was-" he cuts me off. "Oh that's good. Modesty yeah. People love modesty. Go out and the best in the fucking world at modesty. Come we're late. Do you have clothes?" He walks ahead of us. We stand there not sure what to do or say. People actually think we fought Luke

We walk into the auditorium and see Andre taking photos. "Courtney you dirty slut. Sorry I mean no disrespect." "Oh none taken. Hi." The woman greets us. "I'm Courtney Fortnet. I'm the Vought EP in charge of tonight's interview." "W- we have an interview?" I ask. This is happening so fast.

"Yeah. One on One with Hayley Miller. Jeff didn't tell you?" She asks us. "...no." "Oh." He says monotonously. Wait? Did she just say Hayley Miller?

"Okay great. You- do either of you have clothes?" She asks us. "Do they have clothes?" "Uh uh." He answers. "Will you go grab the newest edition and the Balenciaga off the truck?" "Haley Miller?" "She's gonna ask us questions?" We ask. "Everybody cannot wait to hear from you and Andre. You guys are heroes. So currently we're testing 'The Guardians of Godolkin.'" She informs. "Even when I'm saying it right now it feels like it's too many syllables. So we'll see." "It's gonna be big, like lost 9/11 big." I raise an eyebrow.

"That...was not...okay." I say shaking my head. "Uh what do we say? Do we like- we've never-" "this is new to us and kind of overwhelming." I say with a small chuckle. "You don't h- Where is their call sheet and sides?" "Sides of what?" I ask. "No honey your sides are your script." I make an oh with my mouth. "God you're cute." I smile softly at the compliment.

"It's just all written out. You just gotta memorize with that little brain. You got it." She states as she walks away. "You know I'm jelly. You two are like pretty women without the uh ass-fucking for money." He chuckles. "I-why?" I say shaking my head deeply disturbed. I walk away to go ask somebody about wardrobe.

"Camryn!" I turn around and see Andre. "Hey...?" "Hey I'm sorry about the other night. I was high and everything was just-" I cut him off. "No need to explain. Sorry about Luke though." "Uh yeah speaking of Luke." He scratches his temple nervously. "Can we talk afterwards?" "Sure. Not like I don't like you all to much right now." I say sarcastically. Then someone grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me away.

We stand behind the photographer as he takes photos of Andre

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We stand behind the photographer as he takes photos of Andre. He clearly knows what he's doing. The photographer looks at us and nods for us to join in. We step in the platform and stand awkwardly. I glance at Andre as a template of how to pose.

I cross my legs and place a hand on my hip. Then we start getting the hang of it. Then Andre steps off and lets us work. Marie places an arm on my shoulder and I pose with my band in my hip and one leg popped out. Then I give her the opportunity to do some solo poses and then I do some on my own.

I may have been a little dramatic. I turn my back and look over my shoulder. I throw my hair in the air and then strike a pose with my leg popped up.

Afterwards the three of us start to head to class. "Hey I-" "selfie." A kid asks we smile for the camera and they walk off. "Wanna know what I learned?" "What?" He asks. "You can say almost anything and they will still take the fucking photo." I state. "that's why you say yes to give the illusion of choice." "You get that from your dad?" Marie asks.

"Did- did Luke says something t- to you two about my dad?" "He just said 'The Woods. Whatever that means." She answers. "It sounded weird as fuck to me and I know weird." I state. "Cause Luke uh whispered something me before he died. He said uh 'your dad has it.'" "Has what?" I ask confused. "I don't know." "It doesn't make sense to me that he would just kill himself and kill Brink you know? I just don't understand." He states.

"I don't know how the most sane person that I've ever met just loses his shit and I'm the only one curious about it." "Well good luck with that." She states.

"Uh...that's it? You're just gonna run off with your fancy fucking clothes?" He says narrowing his eyes. "What do you want us to say? Neither one of us has anything to do with him or you." I state. "Hey can I get a shot?" A girl asks. "One second." I tell her.

"Look. We went out with you guys one night. We don't know you or Luke." "Who tried to kill us by the way or did you forget?" I ask. "Yeah well he's dead. But I guess you have no problem stepping over him to get to the top." He says with a smug smile. I chuckle "that fucking scene at the club. Brink was gonna expel our asses for it. You know that? All just to save you and your friend's precious little futures. " "of course no. No i would never ask for anything-" "exactly!" I state.

"You have your dad and half the school ready to cover for you. We don't have shit!" "So fuck you and I'm sorry your friends dead." I say before walking off to class.

Harsh. Yes. But reality is like that. Whether you like it or not.

Anti-Hero(Jordan Li)Where stories live. Discover now