God U

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I wake up in a cold sweat. I breathe heavily once I realize I was dreaming. I look next to my bed and notice Marie's bed is empty. I run a hand through my hair and lay back down.

I walk to the kitchen to grab breakfast. Specifically a bagel. "You need to eat more." "Says you. Which is me. Whatever food is food." I say before biting into it and walking to my group therapy session.

I sit on the chair criss cross style eating a bag of off brand chips listening to one of the kids talk. "Ever since Starlight left The Seven I've just been inspired to speak my own truth. I mean we all have boundaries right?" I glance at Marie and pretend to put a gun to my head and blow my brains out. She snickers loudly and the teacher looks at both of us. "Sorry." "My bad."

Classes are boring as fuck. Same shit everyday. They don't even train us to use our powers. Which is stupid but you can't complain because at least you have a roof over your fucking head.

I make a paper crane out my notebook paper with a note inside for Marie. I blow on it and it flies over to her. She opens it and reads it. She looks at me and nods.

We stand in the gym and I wave my hand to lock the door. We set up targets around the gym.

She makes a cut in her hand. We turn back to back. I inhale and exhale. I hold my hand out throw a chair back. She uses her powers to do the same. She aims at the fan. I aim at a jump lifting him up and squeezing my fist to make it implode. "Show off." I chuckle at her comment.

We finish and sit in the ground. I lay my head on her shoulder. "You see him last night?" I shake my head. "Nope, kinda wish I did though. I know he's just my subconscious trying to help me come to terms with my fucked up life but he helps." I shrug. "What about you? You uh have that same dream again?" "Yeah. You?" I nod my head. We sit in silence for a while. "Wanna go tease Mike and steal the laptop?" She suggests. "Yep."

We walk to the computer lab but stop when we hear shouting. We peak out the door. We see guards dragging a girl out the door. "LET ME GO" she shouts kicking and screaming. She tries to use her power but they have a chain on her pulling her down. She looks back she sees us her expression pleading for us to help. They hold her back by zapping her.

They shut the door and I read the back of the van. 'Elmira Adult Rehabilitation Center.' We're already 18 which means they'll come for us soon.

We walk into the room and see Mike watching porn on the laptop. "Beat it- I mean move it you sick fuck." He gets up and walks away. I shudder in disgust. "Dirty fuck."

Marie sits down at the laptop and I lean over her. She wipes off the keyboard and I wipe the screen. She types her name into the God U application server. The mouse hovers over the admissions button. "Click it bitch." I say aggressively. She hesitate but then clicks it. We read it and my eyes wide as I see the word Congratulations.

"OH MY GOD!" She shouts in surprise knocking the chair back. "Sorry." She apologizes to the other kid. "Check! Check! Check!" She tells me I type my name in and press admissions. I let out a scream. "FUCKIN A!" She hugs me and I start to laugh.


"Wow guess I'm just surprised." Vanessa our social worker says with a smile. "But we can go right?" "Yeah it's a full ride. And we're 18." We state. "Congratulations. Wouldn't be surprised if you two ended up protecting a city one day." "I think you meant to say 'first Black woman in The Seven.'" I chuckle. "Hell ya. And world's first supe with a mental disorder. DPD ain't got shit on me!" I state. "Well I stand corrected." Me and Marie high five each other.

She inhales deeply. "Look girls um..."she sighs. "Just spit it out." I state. "Most kids around here with a history like yours, they don't get adopted. So theyre sent to the Vought Adult Facility in Elmira." I sink into my seat. "Yeah." "We know." "I dong think you do." She glances at the camera.

"That place, it- it's not like here. You would be locked up. Worse. But a- a God U graduate. Um you could...wipe all that clean and a fresh start." "So don't fuck it up is what you're saying?" I ask. "Don't fuck it up." "We're never coming back."

Godulkin University has been my dream school as long as I've had my powers

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Godulkin University has been my dream school as long as I've had my powers. A school where supes alive can thrive to their best ability. Some become stars and others go off to become heroes. People who make it into the top ten go off to become big time heroes like Queen Maeve, A-Train, and The Deep. One day that's gonna be me and Marie.

The campus is even better than I imagined. I bounce up and down giddily. We stop to stare at the Homelander statue. "I can die in peace." I say with a smile. She wraps her arm around my neck and I around her waist.

All around are kids with different powers. This exactly where we're meant to be. We walk into or dorm building. I feel a hand on my shoulder stop me and I look up seeing a floating bong.

I look into another room and see two girls against the door. The other girls tongue extends as they kiss. I look at Marie with a shocked but not gonna judge expression. "Kinky." I mutter.

"YO!" We turn around and see a floating hat and glasses. "I'm Maverick your RA. Mandatory consent seminar, common room at 3:00." He informs. "Are you pitching a consent seminar with your dick out?" A girl asks.

"Yes my dick is out. Common room at 3:00." I chuckle.

I make it to my dorm. I open the door and see half the room already done. "I hope you don't mind. I thought it'd be best to leave your side untouched." A tall blonde girl says with a friendly smile. "I'm Cate your roommate. I have been dying to meet you." "Uh I'm Camryn you can call me Cam." I say holding my hand out. She pulls me into a hug instead. "Woah! Right into it." We laugh.

"Wait aren't you like a Junior?" I ask. "Yeah but you're fine." I nod. "Cool. Sorry if I'm being a little standoffish this all is just so new to me." I state. "Well good thing you have someone to show you the ropes."

I look around in awe. I'm standing in the God U arena. "Holy Fuck!" I place hands on my head. "Pretty cool huh?" "Fuck yeah! Oh my god! This is literally my dream!" I state. "Well glad I could make it come true." Then I look across the arena and see the top ranking student. "Oh my god! Is that Golden Boy?" I say becoming Starstruck. "In all his glory." She says in a swooning tone. "I can introduce you if you want?" "Wait what?" "Yeah."

My mind is blown. "Cate. Do not fuck with me right now." "I'm not he's my boyfriend after all." I chuckle breathlessly. "Oh I'm gonna pass out." I say sitting down on a bench feeling lightheaded. "Not right now. Come on you'll be fine. I promise." She says grabbing my hand.

"Alright wait here." Okay calm down. Relax it's just Golden Boy. Luke Riordan. Just be chill Cammy. Be...Chill. She finishes talking to him and then ushers me over. I take deep breaths and walk over. "Luke meet my roommate Camryn Sangster." She introduces. "Hi." I greet.

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