6~From Back When We Remember

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6~From Back When We Remember



"Muttering or speaking under their breath"

* Explaining/elaborating

'Future/ Narration'


[Flashback to young Yara and Yona comforting King Il who is crying on the floor]

Yona pats their father's back while Yara tries to comfort him "Don't cry, Father. Even if Mother is gone, I'm still here, Yonas still here. You're not alone, Father. And we have Hak and Soo-Won."

Yona sniffles a little but quietly agrees. "Yeah, Father. We are still together, right?"

A little while later Yara, Yona, and Soo-Won are outside. Yara and Yona looked a bit down and sad but Soo-Won was trying to brighten their moods. "Yona! Yara! Look, it's snowing!" Soo-Won said excitedly.

Yona let out a sad "Yeah." While Yara just stared at the snow.

Not deterred Soo-Won turns away from the girls making something before turning back and shouting happily "I made a ball!"

Neither girl reacts with Yona looking at the ground and Yara staring at the snowball. However, this did not stop Soo-Won. "I made some strange thing." Seeing both girls still just sitting there in a dazed state he whispers out to them "Yona... Yara..."

Yona suddenly jumps with a start "I-I'm doing great!" She let out loudly before continuing "I have to stay cheerful, so my father won't cry!"

Yara jumps at Yonas' declaration before spinning with a jump shouting a forced "Yeah!"

However, she did not see Hak and ended up jumping on him causing him to let out a grunt in pain "Ugh!"

Yara looks down confused. She looks down to see Hak with an irritated look plastered on his face. "You're heavy..." Hak said, annoyed.

Yara and Yona yelled "Hak!" while Soo-Won yelled, "Hooray, it's Hak!"

Hak stayed laying down and irritatedly said "Princess, watch your step." He sighed but continued "I was in a good mood, too."

Yona being the curious person she is, asked "Why are you lying down there?"

"I was engraving proof of my existence on the Earth." Hak explained, closing his eyes.

Both Soo-Won and Yona let out a confused "Huh?" but Yara slightly smirked and silently backed away.

Hak sighed but still had his eyes closed and elaborated "When the ground is white with snow, it's human nature to want to lie down in it."

Just as he finished a snowball that Yara had thrown, hit him smack dab in the center of his face. She held a smirk on her face and smugly said "Yet you seem to be the perfect target for a snowball. Funny, no?"

Haks eyebrow twitched and a tick mark appeared on his face "Really?" He said extremely irritated.

Yara and Hak begin a snowball fight (War more like it) with Yona joining Yaras side. While Soo-Won joined Hak's side, Praising him "Well done, Hak! Yona is full of energy again!"

Hours passed and all tuckered out Yara and Yona lay side by side sick within their futons. Yara on the left and Yona on the right while the two boys sit on either side of them. Soo-Won sullenly says "Yonas and Yaras energy has disappeared..."

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