2~The First Sign Of Betrayal

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Don't come for me.

2~The First Sign Of Betrayal



"Muttering or speaking under their breath"

* Explaining/elaborating

'Future/ Narration' 


'Five days later, a banquet to celebrate Yona's sixteenth birthday was held in Hiryuu Castle.'

Some unimportant lord "Princess, we wish you a happy birthday."

Yona only responds with a polite "Thank you."

While off in the distance, King Il, Min-soo, and Yara stand just watching in peaceful silence. His majesty breaks the silence "Sixteen years old... How my Yona has grown!"

Yara chuckles slightly, " Indeed she has, father."

Yona walks over to them and King Il calls out to her "Yona!" she finally gets the and with a contemplative face says "Father...My hair still won't lay flat! I wanted to wear it up today!"

Both Yara and King Il sighed. "It's hopeless... All she thinks about is her hair..." he said in exasperation.

Yona saw Soo-Won and called out to him "Soo-Won!"

"Yona!" King Il shouted. Yara shakes her head and follows after Yona slowly. Ready to watch the interesting interaction.

"I-Is there something you need?" Yona stutters out.

Soo-Won smiled, "Give me your hand."

She does as asked and he places something in her hand. Observing it she looks shocked at what she received. "A hair ornament?" She says confused.

"I'm sorry to bring you out here. I thought it would suit you, so I wanted to give it to you personally." Soo-Won explained with a happy smile present on his face.

Yona looks down sadly "My hair... is red and unruly, and it won't behave at all. This wouldn't look right on me." Looking back up at him with regret on her face.

Yara scoffs in her mind 'Please, I bet it would look beautiful.'

Soo-Won grabs a bit of her hair and gives Yona a small smile "What? But I love your hair, Yona. It's a beautiful red, like the sky at dawn."

The two of them stare at each other for a moment both rather close to each other. The moment is ruined by Hak showing up out of nowhere causing the two to jump away from each other. Yona, being surprised, yelped out "Hak?!"

Hak looks at her blankly, "His Majesty is looking for you."

Yara walks over to their small group as Yona replies "Is he? Tell him I'm resting in my room." and walks off towards her room bowing her head towards her sister.

Hak glanced at Soo-Won "Well, I figured this is what was going on." he said almost patronizingly.

Yara chuckles at what he said "Oh leave them be I think it's adorable."

"Huh?" Soo-Won said surprised.

"I'm sure you could persuade the king, Lord Soo-Won." Hak said, getting down from the railing he was sitting on.

Yara gave him a look, one which Hak ignored. Soo-Won bashfully responded "You misunderstand, Hak. And would you stop speaking so formally? Just call me Soo-Won, like you used to."

Yara Of The Duskحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن