3~Broken Bonds

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Don't come for me.

3~Broken Bonds



"Muttering or speaking under their breath"

* Explaining/elaborating

'Future/ Narration' 


A rainy night at the palace of the Kingdom of Kouka. Where King Il lays there dead in his bedroom. Yona and Yara kneeling beside their dead father. Soo-Won looking down at the girls, the warmth that was once found in his eyes can no longer be seen. Yara glaring hatefully at him and Yona calling out "S-Soo-Won... Quickly, call a doctor!"

The amount of desperation in her voice hurt Yara physically to listen to. While Soo-Won holds no mercy nor sorrow says "King Il will not wake again."

Yonas' world came crashing down "Huh?"

"I killed him." was his cold response.

Yara broke "Shut up! You disgusting vermin!" She screamed out while tears slowly crawled down her cheeks.

Yona still couldn't believe this was happening "Ah! What are you talking about? Y-You aren't someone who could do this." She said still stuck in denial.

Soo-Won only ignored the girls "You don't know how I have lived for this day."


In the palace courtyard. Hak stands on guard silently. Hak's face held an extremely contemplative face 'It's too quiet...' he thought. Then something out of the way catches his eye.

Soldier 1 "Then, no one has noticed yet?" One of the soldiers in a small group said quietly.

Soldier 2 "No, sir. The honored guests and civil officials are all drunk from the party and fast asleep."

Soldier 1 "I see."

Soldier 3 "Only General Hak's movements are cause for concern."

Hak sneaks up behind them hearing their entire conversation and makes his presence known. "Who is cause for concern?" He gives the group a scary grin. "Why don't you tell me in detail?"

The guards then tried to attack Hak.

In King Il's bedroom however Soo-Won is talking to the Princesses.

Yona could only ask "Wh-Why? My father cared for you since you were a child."

"You're right. I loved King Il, too." Soo-Won said.

Yara's anger grew "You lying son of a bitch."

"Shut your mouth!" Soo-Won yelled in rage. He continued "Even though people whispered that he was a coward who feared conflict, I used to believe that was what made him kind. However, I was wrong. That wasn't the case. Do you remember my father, Yoo-Hong?"

Both Yona and Yara's first thought was 'Uncle?'

Soo-Won paused, "Ever since my father was young, he was courageous and intelligent. He grew into a man who always led our armies to victory. Everyone wanted him to become the next king, and no one doubted he would. However, ten years ago, the former King Junam chose not my father, but Uncle Il, as King of Kouka. No one understood his choice. The eldest son was the rightful successor to the throne, so why did he choose the weak Il? But my father kept smiling."

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