5~Faraway Sky

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5~Faraway Sky



"Muttering or speaking under their breath"

* Explaining/elaborating

'Future/ Narration'


Once again in the forest the three runaways continue their journey. Once again however Yona and even Yara become tired. Yona falls to the ground and Yaras panting. Hak runs back to the two and asks "Shall we rest a while?"

Yona grips her hair pin from Soo-Won and Yara catches this. She can only glare into nothingness. Hak gets Yona against a tree and Yara joins her. Yona falls asleep immediately while Yara stares off into space with no emotion in her face. Hak stares at the two before looking away and thinking 'I've watched them for a long time. The princess had never known uncleanliness or pain and her highness never needed to worry about her life.'


[Flashback 3 years ago]

Hak leisurely leans against a pillar within the palace snacking on an apple. Mundok walked up to him from behind. He calls out to Hak "Boy."

The boy in question who wasn't really paying attention said "Huh?"

"I told you to attend today's clan meeting." Mundok informed Hak lightly.

Hak lazily responded "You're the only one who needs to attend the meeting, Lord Mundok. Besides, I can't be bothered to listen to King Il's happy-go-lucky nonsen –"

He gets cut off by a shout from Mundok "Fool! Don't call me "Lord Mundok"! Call me "Grandpa"!"

Hak looks at him in exasperation and yells back "That's what you're upset about?! We're not even related by blood!"

Mundok responds with his fist up and a serious look on his face "Blood? In the face of love, blood is powerless!"

King Il comes in, breaking up the argument "Now, now... If you two keep fighting, Castle Hiryuu will blow away." He laughs.

Mundok drops to his knee and bows his head. "I apologize, King Il." he apologized.

King Il waves him off "I apologize, King Il."

Hak thinks with a sweat drop forming on his forehead 'Uh-oh... I called him "happy-go-lucky".' Also kneeling but keeping his head level.

"It's been a while, Hak. It's been lonely since you stopped coming to play." King Il said kindly.

Hak responds respectively "A commoner like me can't just walk into the castle freely..."

King Il smiles warmly before saying "Don't worry about that. Yara's been lonely without you, too. Yona as well."

Haks lets his inner thought surface "Hahaha. You happy-go-lucky liar." he said.

"Happy-go-lucky?" King Il questions confused.

Mundok panics and immediately starts attacking Hak's head with a folded up paper fan. "What's that supposed to mean?!" He yells angrily white eyes and a tick mark on his forehead.

King Il lightly scolds Mundok "Violence is wrong, Mundok."

In which Mundok drops down on his hands and knees. Head touching the ground in repentance apologizing. Hak lays next to him comedically half dead. "Hak's honesty is what I love about him. Have a steamed bun." King Il said, placing a team bun in Hak's hand. He then asks him sincerely "So Hak, would you stay at the castle permanently, as Yara's and Yona's bodyguard?"

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