"Okay let's go." When we walked outside I saw Phil's car was gone, he probably went to work, so we walked over to the other car. Techno got into the driver's seat and Tommy got into the front passenger seat. I sat in the back and Techno started driving to the school.

When we got to the school, Tommy led me to the office. After I got my schedule, Tommy grabbed it from me.

"You got Mr. Halo! I heard he's a great teacher, I just like to annoy him. His 'helper' is named Skeppy but I think they're dating. No one really knows. Skeppy says they are but Mr. Halo says they're not."

Tommy led me over to his friends and introduced me to them. "Guys, this is Wilbur, my brother I was talking about!" Tommy smiled brightly, "That's Purpled," he pointed to a blonde in a purple hoodie.

"That's Ranboob," "Ranboo," the guy in a mask corrects.

"Yeah yeah, anyways, the short one's Tubbo," "Hey!" Tubbo yells.

"And the one next to Tubbo is Fundy, he's a furry," "I am not a furry! Stop telling people that!"

"Mhm, that's what they all say."

"It's wonderful to meet you all. Anyways I'm gonna go find my friends. I'll see you later Tommy!" I turn around and leave Tommy and his friends. I pull out my phone and text Niki.


Niki 🌺

Where are u?

The right side of the school
I'm w/ Q and his friend

Ok I'll be there in a miwefad


I looked up from my phone and realized I bumped into somebody. "Oh, my prime! I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

The guy I bumped into shook his head and someone, probably his friend, came up to us. "Ash! Are you ok?" Ash nodded his head.

"I'm sorry, I should've been watching where I was going," I apologized.

"It's ok, he's fine."

"Okay well, hopefully I'll see you around!" I left and continued walking towards Niki.

Time skip brought to you by Gary

When I got to Niki, Big Q, and Schlatt and I said hi to all of them I stood next to Big Q.

"Cigarettes?" Niki held out her hand.

I pulled out the packs and held them out to her. She took two, leaving me with one. I wiped a fake tear and opened the pack.

After I checked for any cameras, which there were none, I took one out and offered Q and Schlatt one. They both took one and thanked me, I lit mine and gave them the lighter. When I took a drag I made sure to blow the smoke away from them.

"What's your schedule, Wilbur?" Schlatt asked me.

"I didn't really look at it," I said then handed him my schedule.

"We got science together," he handed it back to me and took a drag from his cigarette.

Quackity looked at my paper when it was in my hand and his eyes lit up, "We got Maths and Social Studies together!"

"Do you need someone to show you around Wilbur?" Niki asked.

"Nah I'll figure it out."

"Okay let me know if you need anything!"

A while later the bell rang and we had to go to class. My locker number and combination were on my schedule so I quickly found it and put my stuff in it.

I checked my schedule and saw that I had Mr. Halo first. I walked down the halls until I found his class.

When I walked in I saw Techno's familiar long pink hair so I sat next to him. "Heyyyy Techno."

"Hello Wilbur," he said without looking up from the book he was reading.

"What ya readin." I tried to look at the cover but his hands were blocking the title.

"The Giver." (I hate the ending of that book)

"Ok," Then the teacher walked in. Well at least I think it was the teacher, he looked a bit young.

"Good morning class! It was brought to my attention that we have a new student! Would you like to stand up and introduce yourself?"

I shook my head, stand up, and speak in front of these people? What if I stutter or mess up or something? Absolutely not.

Mr. Halo smiled, said okay, and continued with class. One girl raised her hand and Mr. Halo called on her, "Where's Skeppy? He's usually attached to your hip," she asked.

Just a guy burst through the classrand handed Mr. Halo a drink and hugged him. He started talking to him, probably flirting, I don't know I can't hear them.

I leaned over to Techno and asked, "Who's that?" I had a suspicion that it was that Skeppy guy Tommy told me about but I didn't want to assume.

"Skeppy, Mr. Halo's helper," Techno told me without looking up from his book.

"Ok." Mr. Halo finally started his lesson after talking to Skeppy for like eight minutes.


I'm so so so so sorry for not updating the book, I got lazy and didn't want to type anything.
I also had major writer's block

I hope I'll get some more chapters out sooner but we'll see.

QOTC- do you think you'd survive a horror movie?

1295 words

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