Chapter 8

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     Reya’s feet meandered to her apartment with unstable steps, and her mind was struck back at Jungkook’s room.  What happened last night?  The same question bombarded in her head, fueling her hangover headache.


       Tangled with her own strand of thoughts she twisted her door knob.  The very moment the shrill cry of her baby reached her through the mere door gap.  Jolted Reya rushed to her room, to find her wailing little one with her maternal grandmother.

     “What happened?!” Reya cradled her baby to her bosom, repeated patting her on the back.  Everyone hoped it would ease the baby, but the contrary happened.

     “She has been like this since last night.  She hardly slept for few hours.”  Her mom explained, caressing her granddaughter’s head, worrisome filled her eyes.

     “Why didn’t you just call me?”  Reya asked checking her daughter’s temperature, attempting to breastfeed her, but in vain.

     “We didn’t want to disturb you guys.  After long days you are reconciling.”  Her mom-in-law replied.  Reya sighed, though her anger rose up on their immaturity.  Whatever the situation babies health shouldn’t be compromised, it cannot be.

     “She is getting fever.  I will take her to hospital.”  She announced and again tried to feed her but Song was so adamant and continued crying her eyes out.

     “I will accompany you.”  Aerial carried Reya’s handbag and fetched her car keys preceding them.  And within ten minutes they were on the road to hospital.


     The clock that pinned to the wall ticked and it had a beautiful baby’s photo.  The doctor closed the report, that took Reya out of her thoughts. “Have you been close with your child lately?”  The very first question of pediatrician made Reya to bite her lips, and she shook her head.

     “I-I have been busy lately that I couldn’t spend much time with her.”  A slight droop in Reya’s voice was the aftermath of guilt.

     “How about your feeding?  Did you stop it?”  Again a negative response from Reya with a positive projection.

     “I haven’t stopped it.  Since I have been busy we are giving her my pumped milk.”  The doctor’s concentration neither left from Reya nor from the notepad.

     “Since when she has been like this?”  At that moment Reya had to look at Aerial for the response, a sense of undeserving to be a mother settled on her.

      “For a week she had been like this.  It’s yesterday we couldn’t control her at all.”  A tight lipped smile was displayed by the doctor.

      “Is she your baby’s caretaker?” Doctor asked the inevitable.  The two friends shook their heads in unison.

     “We are friends.”  They told together.  Doctor nodded and took of her few minutes to observe her report.

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