Chapter 5

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'Does it expose myself a lot?' Reya inquired herself at her reflection on the mirror. She worn a gorgeous peacock skirt and a tight fitting black off shoulder, flaunting her deep cleavage and her curvy waist. She did her best to hide her nuptial chain. However she removed her toe ring, engagement ring she couldn't remove away her thaali thread.

'Shit! Hyungs would be there.' She pouted her glossy lips. Uplifting her skirt hiding her waist and pulling her top to a decent look. 'Let's sneak into his room, seduce him and escape out.' She nodded, as she made a messy bun out of her long tresses, letting few of them loose. Retouched her smoky eyes and sprayed luring perfumes; Checked on her baby who was having a sound sleep that would last for an hour atleast, she started her mission.

"Hey, Jimin Hyung." Jimin flashed his smile and widen the door for Reya to enter.

"Aww!! I couldn't see you properly when I smiled. But dead gorgeous you look. Is anything special today?" Jimin eyed Reya up and down. Reya nodded.

"Planned to go out with Aerial. I thought until she comes let's help you guys. Hope I didn't disturb." With fake politeness she asked, on contrary of her question she heard a heavy ruckus from the living room.

"Actually, we are quite busy. Designers have come to take costume measurements for the event of Los Vegas." Jimin's response took away her josh, nonchalantly she smiled. And Jimin waved his hand before dashing inside. Reya turned on her heels with pessimism.

"Reya, my darling. " She heard Jin's rhythmic voice.

"Hey, Hyung." She bowed down.

"What a surprise visit!!!" He adjusted his ruffled hair and eyed their messy kitchen.

"Thought of help you cook. But I think you all are busy." Reya shrugged.

"Thank God!!! Yes we are busy, that's why I need an hand in my kitchen. Glad you have come." Jin told as his hand held Reya and they proceeded to kitchen. Reya grinned as her evil plan regained its situational circumstances.

"What about others, Hyung?" Reya asked Jin, as she let her stealthy eyes wander around, in search of that one muscled tattooed creature.

"The designers are measuring RM, Suga, Hobi and Jimin. So they all are in living room." And Jin went towards fridge to grab some cheese. 'What about V and Jk? Did they hang out?' She thought irritated. "V and Jk are in their rooms. Once these guys finish they will get measured." Only then the lost smile turned back to her face.

"Mr. Jin." An unfamiliar voice caught the duo's attention from kitchen.

"Yeah, Ms. World's Best Designer." Jin dried his hand and went towards the former attacking her with his handsome smile. Reya saw them having a serious discussion and within few minutes the whole team of designers left the apartment.

Shutting the door Jin entered the kitchen with dullness, "What happened, Hyung? Is everything ok?" Reya inquired, stirring the ramen.

"Yeah, it is. Just they got an important work, so they said they will come later to measure V and Jk. But God, we don't have time. So I said I will measure them and send the details." He got the spoon from Reya and stirred the food. "Let me call Suga to help you and I will go measure those brats."

"If you don't mind shall I help you? Actually I know tailoring so I know how to measure." Hearing which Jin side hugged Reya which indicates that he was so pleased with her suggestions And got activated Reya's evil mind.

Knock knock, "Sophie, the door is open get in." Reya heard his voice. The act of seduction between them was an usual one since they were in love, and every time Jungkook will be the loser of this game as he cannot control his hormones whenever it comes to Reya. And Reya for cent percent knew the same is gonna happen, maybe that's the reason behind her trembling self. What if he lost it and will lead to something else? She gulped at that thought, reconsidering her decision. "Sophie, get in fast. I have to resume my workout." He shouted this time and she opened the door.

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